Commentaire de texte : Supersize. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Nicole Stoj • 21 Juin 2019 • Commentaire de texte • 270 Mots (2 Pages) • 477 Vues
Supersize is a film documentary directed by Margane Spurlock about the health hazards of fast food in United States. About 37% of American children and adolescents have a weight problem. Morgan Spurlock decides to conduct a risky experiment for his health and wants to prove that fast food is the main cause of obesity in America. He decides to make a bet and prove his thoughts by eating at the Mac Donald every morning, noon and night for 30 days. During this experience, he is supervised by three doctors. After 30 days, Morgan Spurlock weighs 95 kilos. He took 11 pounds during his experience. His cholesterol level was 1.68 grams / liter, and now is 2.33 grams / liter, which is not good for his health because he has exceeded the maximum of 2 grams / liter. After this experience, the man is twice more threatened by the heart attack, he has migraines when he does not eat, his mood is variable, he is exhausted and depressed. He will not be able to have the same state of health as before his experience. After 18 days of experience, the three doctors advised him to stop the experiment, because it became dangerous for his health. In a month, Morgan Spurlock would have eaten what nutritionists recommend eating to one person eat in 8 years.
Thanks to this documentary film, in United States schools, there are no more sweet drinks. Obesity is the second leading cause of death in America. 400,000 people die every year because of fast food. About one in four Americans eats in a fast food restaurant every day.