Spaces and exchanges : brain drain
Dissertation : Spaces and exchanges : brain drain. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Gbar • 28 Mai 2018 • Dissertation • 347 Mots (2 Pages) • 903 Vues
The spaces and exchanges
I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. To begin I'd like to give a definition of exchanges. It's a continous movement or circulation. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade... the different spaces of the world are ore and more connected.
I would like to illustrate the notion throught the theme of brain drain.
The first document is an article entitle Taking a gap year from a website A gap years is Year off that students usually take between hight school and college. They use this time to head off to a foreign country to study or work. According to the text is a well known fact : the student arive in university more autonomus and more open minded. It's not rare that student stay in the country for his futur living.
It's the case in the second document I'm hoping to boost my employabality by working abroad, written by Tom Payne on The Guardian in 2011. The text reveal despite people are graduated, they don't find a job. Consequently the narator go to abroad for made an Volontary service. This opportunity bring to him an experience and lost of competences. The country wher he went offer to him a job.
This two documents show to us that travel abroad is the better way to discover a culture and speak a language. we have seen that travelling brings you a lot of enriching experiences. We all know that travelling widens your spirit but there is also a seamy side.
Let us take the exemple of an article on BBC, Science cuts 'could lead to brain drain' write by Paul Crowther. This present to us the disavantage of brain drain. In fact this have an impact on the development of country because it's a loss of knowledge. The student use his learning for an other country.
To conclude I think imigrate can be a real opportunity to learn other culture or find a career. Unfortunately there is also a seamy side for economy and progress of country.,9171,2050030,00.html