Présentation en anglais
Fiche : Présentation en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Abigaëlle Rabes • 9 Avril 2019 • Fiche • 754 Mots (4 Pages) • 461 Vues
DIARY FANJA SANDRA KEVIN ABI: The system of information and communication face to socio- economic development
Introduction: ABI……………
Thank you for giving me the floor Abi. Well, Good Morning all, as she already said I’m Kevin and now I’m going to define some notions that we see in our topic. "Socioeconomic development": Activities involving both social and economic factors which result in the growth of the economy and societal progress and is measureable in both economic and social terms, e.g., growth in the number of jobs created and increase in life expectancy.
What’s come in your mind when you think about Information and communication?
As we are students in communication we know very well the difference between information and communication. As a reminder, Information is facts provided or learned about something or someone but on the contrary, communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
But what is then the role of information and communication for social and economic development? Sandra Can you enlighten us on that?
Thank you Kevin for these definitions. Well, I’m Sandra. And I’ll show you what the role of communication for the development is.
We live in the age of communication, and now we can all notice its impacts on development. In fact, the FAO and other organizations have been pioneers in this area, and their experience shows that the effects of communication on the process of development can be considerable.
The role of communication is decisive in promoting development that takes account the human dimension in the climate of social change that characterizes the current period. The evolution of the world towards more democracy, decentralization and the introduction of the market economy create favorable conditions for people to become the main actors of change. To achieve this, it is essential to encourage their participation and their capacity for initiative. Communication has a central role to play in this area, but its potential is still often underutilized. As a result, we should encourage the implementation of real communication development programs for socio-economic change. But Now, I’d like to give the floor to my friend Diary for further details especially the challenge that communication face in rural area and developing countries.
Hi again everybody, my name is Diary and I’m glad to share with you the challenge of rural communication. As all of us certainly know, there is a considerable lack of infrastructure, logistics and technical skills in rural areas that are necessary for good communication. Developing communication networks with the rural world, in such a context, appears as a challenge.
Developing countries account for nearly one billion illiterates. Rural communities are often remote and very hard to reach. Infrastructure and communication systems - newspapers, radio, television, phone, meeting rooms, and schools - that keep city dwellers up to date with what's going on, are very small in rural areas. The stake is therefore considerable. It is about giving the rural world better access to more abundant information and adapted to its needs. It’s necessary then to set up networks communication tools that will help the population to develop. That brings me to the notion of ITC or information and communication technologies. Please Sarobidy, can you tell us more about it.