Présentation en anglais
Dissertation : Présentation en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Sara Aliti • 11 Avril 2017 • Dissertation • 312 Mots (2 Pages) • 634 Vues
I was born a member of the Lakota Sioux tribe in South Dakota. The land where i was born was called Many-Caches. My father was a fierce warrior named Jumping Bull. He named me "Slow" because i was always very careful and slow to take action. My Father was the caretaker of the ranch and lived in a house, built by a smart and courageous leader M.Hanson in the 1800s. Mister Hansons, along with his only boy, built the house in the Grand river in south dakota. I remember when we moved into the house, the owner of the house Mister James Lord slept in the garden inside a tent with his family. His daughter would not set foot in the main house because she saw strange things and said the house was haunted. When I was about 8, I remember a night when my mother was upstairs, screaming frantically. My father and I ran upstairs to see what happened. When we arrived we saw our dog Log lying on the ground and bloody. She related that she had seen a ghost go down the hall and disappear through the wall. In the same time we could make out the faint sounds of a saw. I could not sleep for weeks and so i was going to hunt at night. A year later my father called the village priest so that he could calm my mother's fears and drive away the ghost of this house. He told us the complete history of the house and the Hanson family, information that was unknown to us until we met him.Mr. Hanson killed his wife because she had a relationship with the leader of another tribe. Since his soul did not stop haunting their home and Mr. Hanson ended up committing suicide. The house has been peaceful after the comming of the priest.