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Power of the press

Cours : Power of the press. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mars 2020  •  Cours  •  742 Mots (3 Pages)  •  599 Vues

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Pb: Is instant information always beneficial and cannot it sometimes be dangerous? 


the role of the press is to inform the populations, is an unbiased way. The press have power about the politics because it can reveal the lies of the government. The press is also to warn people about the danger and to say the verity. But the press is not always neutral, there is certain information who are influenced by politic opinions or parties.

Today the information is instant, and the sources of information are numerous, some convey false information, it can be dangerous.

Is instant information always beneficial and cannot it sometimes be dangerous?

in the first part we will see that the power of the press is beneficial for society and that it mainly makes people better informed, in a second part we will see we will see the negative sides of this power.

I/ the power of the press is beneficial

the press has evolved enormously over the past 50 years, for example before only certain social castes had access to information, the rest went by word of mouth. They were powerful enough to publish whatever they wanted without being challenged or questioned. And today the information is in free access, everywhere we have information on the world and on current events. Then, with the emergence of newspapers, citizens were able to get information from different sources. Today they were better informed.

with the advent of free information came the development of critical thinking and culture. In her speech obama say that the power of the press is very important because it is essential to the success of democracy, it play a key role. He say also that the journalists investigate to persue the truth and to inform the public, they demand honesty and therefore, they prevent politicians from cheating or lying.

In the last part of his speech obama said that the talents of the journalist are numerous, and it is essential to maintain the democracy.

with the creation of new information platforms, such as the internet and new technologies, information is all the more instantaneous. for example if there is an event at the other end of the planet we will probably be informed within the following hours.

but isn't over-information dangerous in certain cases? since we do not control it completely and not everyone has the same critical sense.

II/ the power of the press can be dangerous for the society.

Instant information can escape state control, it's a power in its own right, it's not for nothing that it is called the 4th power.

Today, very often the speed and eagerness linked to the press takes precedence over prudence and the verification of sources. For example I took as a personal document the article from Parisien on the supposed arrest of Xavier Dupont de ligones in Scotland at Glasgow. In the end it turned out that he was not the right man, and that an innocent man had been arrested. indeed the need to provide information as quickly as possible can lead to errors.

There are several types of readers, those who will be gifted with a critical spirit and who will know without badly discerning the true from the false among the too much information which reaches us through new technologies.


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