Places and forms of power
Dissertation : Places and forms of power. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar 1711dddm • 4 Mai 2019 • Dissertation • 1 784 Mots (8 Pages) • 591 Vues
Since the 20th century, the world is growing faster and faster. This is called globalization. This globalization has given companies a lot of power. But what is globalization? And what is power? Power is the fact of exercising influence, authority, control over someone or a group of people. There are several forms of power, political power, executive power by the president or the government (they make decision). The legal power, judges, lawyers prosecutors (they make people abide by the law). Legislative power. Economic power, stock exchange, traders, TNCs. Cultural power, education, religion. Social media and TV, radio, internet, social networks. Globalization is the growth of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries. We will study whether globalization and transnational corporations can be considered as a form of power. At first we will see the impact of globalization on a city scale. Then in a second time we will see the CashMob , Carrotmob events against globalization. Finally in a last time we will see the impact of TNCs on the world.
First of all we will see the impact of globalization on a city scale. In the "Bike Share Expansion" audio document, the system named "Bikeshare" was set up throughout the city of Washington D.C. This program put into operation 110 bicycles in red colors as well as 100 stations. The system is simple a person takes a bike in a station moves with and drops it off at another station so on. Washington DC is the first city to sponsor this program, which has grown rapidly and is very successful. Thus, 9 cities have adopted the program and 7 cities will start it. To apply for this system in Washington DC, Bikeshare needed $ 6 million. But they only paid 20% because 80% was paid by federal roads. So Bikeshare does not know the limits of expansion. New York also adopt this system with 10,000 bikes and 600 stations. Also in the video document "Public space years of life in New York," Jennette is commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation. It tells us they are responsible for the streets of New York, 787 bridges and the Staten Island ferry, which carries 22 million passengers a year. Moreover, they are responsible for the quality of life and the economic development of the city. Streets were considered a quick way to get from point A to point B. Two-thirds of New Yorkers travel by car other than the car. They travel by walking, by bus, by metro and by bike. For 50 years they laid out the streets only for cars and for no one else. They work a lot to balance the streets and improve the quality of life for all. It is an aesthetic proposition but also a strategy of economic development. People will then be able to move anywhere, safely. So these examples of globalization have positive effects at the city level.
Then we will see the CashMob an evenement against globalization. In the "Cash Mob" video, cash mob is organized in Clevland. They decided to visit a book of gifts and a book store in the report. The cash mob concept is simple, people every 20 dollars in local stores, in the local busness, indepedant production. The unfortunate events started the idea is flash mob because many peolple steals in local stores. This movement is sucessful and has spread in other cities. Moreover in the document "Argentina" carrotmob "stick up green business, a similar movement was born the" carrotmob ", this event takes place in Buenos Aires. A carrotmob is a global movement built on the "carrot or stick" concept and applied to local business. Who care rewarded by consummer. A carrotmob is a opposite of boycott. The ideas are simple, helped by the local business by pringing people, mob. These people are going to be consumed make bigger profits and the business promises to be invested insome of the project. The farmer's market in this report has decided to expand its facility. The first carrotmob takes place in 2008, San Francisco. So these events help local businesses.
Finnaly We studied a radio programm, entitled talking point, they talk about globalisation. In this programm three people are talking. Ester, from London, a social workers and Kumar is from India. They talking about « world leader » like the USA, Japan, The United Kingdom, Germany… Ester denouces the overexploitation of people, the impact of companies on countries (like China, India), the absence of regulation and the absence of international lows. Then Kumar denouces globalisation, the inequalities between rich and poor, the unbridled commercialisation like in textile industries. The world leaders agree that globalisation will enable developing countries to emerge. Globalisation doesn't permite emerging countries to benefit from blobalisation. The local workers aren't better paids thanks to globalisation. Some people thinks globalisation has driver people. But powerful companies don't care about worker and consider profits only. Clothing of foreign design and manufacture can mainly buy by people in his country. Moreover clothing is being imported because the labour in a poor countrie force is cheaper. Globalisation have a big impact in the world and the people. Globalisation favor the exploitation of people.
In conclusion, we first saw the impact of globalization on a citywide scale using the medium of Bikeshare and thanks to the New York City Department of Transportation, which improves life in New York City. Then in a second time we saw the CashMob and the carrot mob, events against globalization. Finally we have studied in a last time the impact of TNCs on the world. Thus globalization and TNCs are considered as forms of power because it influences and changes the world.
Depuis le 20ème siècle, le monde se développe de plus en plus vite. C'est ce qu'on appelle la globalisation. Cette globalisation a donné a des entreprises beaucoup de pouvoir. Mais qu'est-ce que la globalisation ? Et qu'est-ce que le pouvoir ? Power is the fact of exercing influence, authority, control over someone or a group of people. Il y a plusieurs forme de pouvoir, le pouvoir politique, le pouvoir exécutif par le president ou le gouvernement (they make decision). Le pouvoir juridique, judges, lawyers prosecutors (they make people abide by the law). Legislative power. Economic power, stock exchange, traders, TNCs. Cultural power, education, religion. Social power and the media with TV, radio, internet, social networks. Globalisation is the increase of trade around the world, especially by large compagnies producing and trading goods in many différent countries. Nous étudierons si la mondialisation et les sociétés transnationales peuvent-elles être considérées comme une forme de pouvoir. Dans un premier temps nous allons voir l'impact de la mondialisation à l'échelle d'une ville. Puis dans un second temps nous verrons les CashMob un evemenement contre la globalisation. Enfin dans un dernier temps nous verrons l'impact des TNCs sur le monde.