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Oral management en anglais

Commentaire de texte : Oral management en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mars 2019  •  Commentaire de texte  •  614 Mots (3 Pages)  •  631 Vues

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This is an article from BBC bitesize business studies, published in December 2015. Deal with business experts who discuss why it is so important to keep staff motivated. In this article there are threes expert who are lord Alan Sugar, Ben Wallace and Hugh Pym. Alan sugar is an entrepreneur, a person who organizes and manages a company. Ben Wallace is a google marketing manager. Google is an international American entreprise of technological services. And Hugh Pym is a BBC chief economist. BBC is a TV channel and radio. So firstly I’m going to determine why is it necessary to motivated people at work and secondly what are the different ways to motivate employee.

Firstly what’s motivation ? Motivation is concerned with the desire to do something or achieve a particular result. So our experts have the same opinion about this importance of keeping staff motivated for both employees and companies. But why ? Because according to lord Alan sugar as line 2 « it is the part of success ». Having motivated employees result for the company in greater in increased productivity,  better customer satisfaction, worker’s well being, meaning lower turnover and reduce absenteeism. But for that companies must keep their workers motivated and to do that, they must answer jobholder’s need with the help Maslow’s pyramid of needs. There are different kind of need : basic needs, safety needs, social needs self-esteem and self-actualisation. In this article we talk about social need, self esteem and self actualisation. The google manager talk about self actualisation when he said it is important to allow employees freedom to explore as line 7 he established a work system to split work time as line 8 to 10 who he explain it is better for workers because they can pick up new challenge develop their ideas and more interesting by their job.this idea joins Alan sugar is which means the staff must be more interested in their work and include the jobholder in taking decisions to make them feel like they are part of a family culture. Hugh Pym talks about the esteem need with pay rise, rewards and bonuses. And he talk about belongingness needs when employees like they feel there are part of team.

What are the different ways to motivate employees? So we have several ways like non monetary and monetary method or benefit and so on. So Monetary method include motivate workers without used money. There are different type of non monetary method like job enrichissement include give challenges and responsibilities as line 4 when lord Alan sugar said « to involve them in all decision for they feel they part of a family culture ». he give responsibilities, independent work and freedom in the work for motivate job holder to they have self esteem for their achievement and their contribution in the company.Work condition are important to. The second way is monetary method who include motivate  employee  with the pay, this is the first factor of motivation but there are other way to reward like pay rise bonuses who encourage and highlight their good job. And workers can purchase part of their society so that can be motivated because they felt they part of company. Hugh Pym deal with the subject of pay as line 14 he said "most employees in most organisation like to be rewarded with pay rises." but he said money is not every thing as line 15 most employees prefer feel they part of company.


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