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Oral d'anglais

Dissertation : Oral d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mai 2020  •  Dissertation  •  613 Mots (3 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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GUIRAT         terminal GA



[pic 1]


[pic 2] The country that I will introduce you is TUNISIA, Tunisia is a country of North Africa located on the Mediterranean coast and bordering the Sahara desert. The national museum of Bardo in Tunis, the capital, exhibits archaeological pieces ranging from Roman mosaics to Islamic art. The district of the Medina, with its lively souk, encircles the imposing Zitouna mosque. To the east, on the site of the ancient city of Carthage, are the Baths of Antoninus and other ruins, and the National Museum of Carthage and its many objects. I have already visited the country, I go there every two years

The capital is Tunis,[pic 3]

[pic 4] The language used is Arabic and French, the coin is « Dinar Tunisia », the flag is red, there is a white moon and a white star in the center of the flag.


1 century BC, Tunisia became the kingdom of vandals at the time of the great migrations of the Germanic peoples, it was reconquered at the beginning of the 6th century by the Byzantines of Justinian in 1943 during the Second World War. Tunisia is the place of confrontation between the American armies and the German army. In 1956, Tunisia became an independent republic again. President Bourgiba secularizes the country by making important reforms (require school attendance for girls who are not compulsory before).

[pic 5] [pic 6]

Monuments or places known:

-The National Bardo Museum is one of the most important museums in the Mediterranean basin and the second African Museum.

[pic 7][pic 8]

-the medina de sousse, inscribed since 9 December 1988 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sousse is considered a typical example of the first century cities of Islam in the Maghreb.

[pic 9][pic 10]

-Atonin Baths of Carthage located in Carthage, are the largest Roman thermal complex built on African soil

[pic 11] [pic 12]


[pic 13] -Slata méchouia, slada mechouiya, or salad méchouia, literally "grilled salad", is a dish of Tunisian cuisine. Composed of tomatoes, roasted peppers and chopped after cooking, it is seasoned with salt, garlic, coriander powder and caraway and drizzled with olive oil.

[pic 14]-el chorba this delicious soup is made of meat (usually lamb or mutton) and vegetables cooked in a spicy broth with tomato

[pic 15]- lablabi is a popular dish in Tunisia, made from chickpeas, garlic, cumin, olive oil, salt, pepper and harissa. The name comes from Turkish leblebi, meaning "grilled chickpeas"

famous people :

[pic 16] -Michel Boujenah on stage in 2017, during a performance of his show My life even more dreamed. The total! Michel Boujenah, born November 3, 1952 in Tunis, is a Franco-Tunisian actor, comedian and director.


I chose this country because I go there every two years with my family, and this country is important to me, it’s important to me to be able to talk about it.


1. cover pages

2. Presentation general of the country

3. History

4. Monuments or places known

5. Gastronomy


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