Oral anglais : spaces and exchanges
Dissertation : Oral anglais : spaces and exchanges. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar emknessss • 12 Décembre 2018 • Dissertation • 577 Mots (3 Pages) • 906 Vues
Today , I'm going to deal withs the notion spaces and exchanges . First of all i would like to give a definition of exchange . The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. The exchanges can appear on many forms: people trade or information . Immigration is linked to this notion.
So now I'm going to speak about immigration in the US .
This is makes me wonder “ what immigration bring to the US ? At first i will speak about the assets of immigration and then i will focus on the liabilities and illegal immigration.
First of all , immigrationis a positive point for the US . Despite a divergence of opinion between the states that are on the coasts and on the mid states , a large part of Americans believe that immigration is an asset. It's an asset to the economy because the immigrants are a labour force and a cultural asset . Immigration gives a multicultural aspects th the US . Within politics some politicians think that immigration is negative and other like Obama thinks that it is positive for the country. During this school year , we saw several speeches by former president Obama in which he described the US as a nation of immigrants. He believes that the US needs immigration to develop the US economy . That's why Obama doesn’t understand those who are againt immigration while they themselves come from parents who migrated to the US in the 1900s . During this wave of immigration in ythe 20th century , migrants had to pass through Ellis Island before arriving on the American territory. Migrants passed a legal test and a medical test before being able to go to the US.
So , we have seen immigration is considered by some Americans as a major asset to the US
Afterwards, we saw in class the point of view of the current president Trump through these different speeches on immigrants. Unlike the president Obama , Trump believes that immigration bring more disadvantages than assets to his country , the US . He believes in the fact that immigrants arriving in the US are essentially criminals and that they will only bring bad things for the American folk. In addition , trump says there is already no enough work for American citizens . As a result, immigrantssteal jobs and thus deprive American citizens of jobs they couls have done. So we can see that trump has a very negative opinion on the immigrants. To stop this immigrationto the US , particularly the migration between mexico and the US , he wants to build a wall to separate the two countries. Despite a desire to stop this immigartion , some convoys are trying to smuggle some immigrants into the country. In class , we have seen a document about that ;the immigrants who were cought smuggling in X-ray equipment in trucks at checkpoints. They arrested 513 migrants.
To conclude we can say that immigration can be considered as an asset or a disadvantage . The American point of view is very subjective on this subject. It can both develop our company and steal the work of some American citizens . Immigration is therefor not always negative or always positive.
To my mind , immigartion still has many disadvantage to be considered entirely