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Myths and heroes : San Francisco

Cours : Myths and heroes : San Francisco. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Octobre 2020  •  Cours  •  635 Mots (3 Pages)  •  582 Vues

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Notion 1 : Myths and Heroes

In this notion Myths and Heroes, we reflected on the elements that make a city legendary. A legendary city is a city famous for its famous monuments and events. This city is a legend with this story, it holds its own story. San Francisco is a large city on the west coast of the United States of America in the state of California. It is known for its bay and its hills, for its red suspension bridge and for its old prison (Alcatraz). Here we will seen in the presentation why San Fransisco can be considered as a legendary city.

According to the 2 pictures studied in progress, we can see a grat evolution of SF which before 850 was called Earlyerba. In the first picture, Saint Fransisco isn’t a legendary city because we can see a mountains in the back ground and as well a vally only. In the valley has a few houses so we can deduct that it’s wasn’t dynamic city. However in the 2nde picture, there are many houses as well as a big port wich permet to make work the trade of this city. The Gold Rush is at the origin of the great development of this city. In the 1847, the population is already multiplied by 25. The people come from America, Latin America, Europe, Australia and Asia. The people were attracted by the gold present in SF so this city creats the business. Therefore the city become more dynamic and alive. SF has its story that makes it a legendary city.

Morever, the history of SF is also built by the first gay district the Castro. Harvery Milk is at the origin of the gay movement to defend the rights of American homosexuals. He is the first openly gay man to elected to official functions. His fight for tolerance and integration of homosexual communities costs him life. But his actions changed attitudes of the people and this commitment changed the story of Saint Fransisco. The creation of district must his existence of HM. Harvery Milk went through very difficult situations but he continued to fight to make everyone respect his opinion. Fortunately he still managed to be supported by some people from the population. The fact that Saint Fransisco has famous and historic monuments makes it a legendary city.

Finally, the expression Summer of Love designates the summer of 1967 who is more importante for this city. The events which took place first in the Haight-Ashbury district, in San Fransisco where thousands of young people from around the world gathered freely for a new social experiance, thus making the public discover the hippie counter-culture. This culture is a need for emancipation, new sensory perceptions of altered states of consciousness which is a different artistic expression. In their communities, they hoped to live freely, in human relationships that they wanted more authentic. Breaking with the norms of previous generations, the movement had a major cultural influence, especially in the musical field. This event is very important because it shows that young people present their own culture through their expressions. So SF is considered a legendary city because it presents it own cultures.

To conclude, we were able to show that San Fransisco is a legendary city thanks to its origin and the events that took place. The incredible and magnificent history of this city makes it a legendary city in the eyes of the world. Visiting San Francisco is today a dream within reach of many people. Many devote a great weeekend to it during a circuit in the American West. The central square of Union Square is a major point of this city during visits. It is at the heart of a very touristy district where department stores, hotels and concert halls mix.


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