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Martin Luther King, biography.

Dissertation : Martin Luther King, biography.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Décembre 2016  •  Dissertation  •  632 Mots (3 Pages)  •  844 Vues

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Why he ?

I chose to speak about Martin Luther King, to pay tribute in all that he made of very brave, he is a man who fought for many things, as the segregation or still the violence. Many people adored this man. He thus deserves that we redraw his story.

Birth and private life

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta in the USA, is the son of a Baptist minister and an organist of church. He thus grew in a middle-class family and within segregationist America.

Martin did not want to become a minister in his turn, he makes of brilliant studies in Morehouse College of Atlanta, but he finished nevertheless minister of the Church Baptiste. He is then an assistant in his native parish in Atlanta, beside his father.

Fight for the civil rights and the violence

His first experience of the racial segregation dates its six years, when two white playfellows tell him that they are not any more authorized to play with him.

In spite of its very young age,this event probably marked and is going to be one of the triggers of the fight besides those who follow.

On December 1st, 1955, in a bus of Montgomery In Alabama, Rosa Parks, a 42 year-old black woman, refuses to give her place to a white person as it is the rule. She is then arrested by the police and condemned to pay a 15-dollar fine. Martin Luther King was warned and, scandalized, he decided with his friend minister Ralph Abernathy to organize that very evening a meeting in the temple, with all the Montgomery's black community which launched a campaign of boycott against the company of buses of the city.

The Association for the Progress of Montgomery was also created with in the head King.

The affair will take such a scale as in December, 1956, the constitutional court of the country will declare the segregation in coaches: unconstitutional.

More than year later, on January 11th, 1957, the black elites of the States of the South find themselves and establish a new organization: Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Martin Luther King is elected a president. The politics of this organization in for purpose the not violence advocated by his leader and the equality of the civil rights.

After the walking against the racial discriminations in Washington, Martin Luther King, at the foot of the memorial Lincoln in Washington, in front of 250 000 people, pronounces his speech " I have a dream " on August 28th, 1963. His dream was the one of brotherly America where Whites and Blacks would find themselves unite and free.

A few months later King receives the Nobel Peace Prize in return for all his led fights

The black minister of Montgomery's Baptist church is murdered on April 4th, 1968 in 38 years by James Earl Ray to Memphis who shoots by a bullet him in the throat

King made a commitment in so much cause and wars that we would spend hours there to tell them, it is a man registered in the history of the humanity, everybody continues to speak about him and of his speech '' I have a dream'' and chooses him as


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