Fiche : MASSACRE OF ROHINGYAS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar xxxEEE • 3 Mai 2018 • Fiche • 415 Mots (2 Pages) • 638 Vues
In Myanmar, the Rohingyas are targeted there because of their ethnicity and religion. Myanmar, crossing the border to Bangladesh.[pic 1]
Rohingyas is a Muslim ethnic group that lives mainly in Burma to the south east. the state of Aragón. In 2014 rohingyas accounted for less than 5% of the Burmese population.
Officially, the 1.3 million Rohingyas are not citizens of Burma. In 1982, a law was passed which specified that only ethnic groups who were able to prove that they were in Burma before 1823 could be citizens . According to the state, the Rohingya have not been able to prove that he was there before 1823. As a result Rohingya are stateless, they have no nationality. In Burma they don’t enjoy the same rights as citizens and live in extremely difficult conditions with no particular access to schools, hospitals or labor markets.[pic 2]
Rohingya is an ethnic Muslim but Burma is a country that is in a great majority Buddhist, 90% of the population practices this religion.
It is this difference of religion that seems to stir tensions between Rohingya and the state. For several years, we have witnessed the rise of Buddhist nationalism. Already in 2012, clashes between Muslims and Buddhists in Burma had resulted in 200 deaths of mostly Muslims. This is not a recent persecutions but violence has risen sharply in recent months. The triggering element is the attack on Burmese police stations by Rohingya rebels. As a result, the Burmese army has taken advantage to counterattack massively and very violently. Since this summer the Rohingyas have been fleeing the country en route to bangladesh. Their homes were burned, they were raped and killed, the UN speaks of "ethnic cleansing" and considers Rohingyas as the most persecuted people in the world. In the last four months, more than 600,000 rohingyas have found refuge in Bangladesh in the kutupalong refugee camp. They walk several days to flee the genocide, many have lost their loved ones and once arrived in the camp they have nothing. Moreover the conditions in which they live are very precarious but it is their only chance to survive.
Aung San Suu Kyi the head of state of the country is very criticized lately because it tries moreover possible to avoid the subject which questions its credibility since it received the nobel price of peace in 1991. A group of personalities created a humanitarian mission to help rohingyas: LoveArmyForRohingya.