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Leçon d'anglais

Cours : Leçon d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Décembre 2019  •  Cours  •  706 Mots (3 Pages)  •  488 Vues

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Monday, January 21st

I agree with the headmaster.

I don't agree with the policeman.

être d'accord avec = to agree with

DGSE = French intelligence

MI6 = (Military Intelligence) responsible for military and counter-intelligence overseas

MI5 = responsible for military and counter-intelligence on British territory

intelligence = organization that collects information

Wednesday, January 22nd

Vocab :

a murderer

to murder

a machine gun                                                a director

fictional                                                        to produce

a character                                                to fight vilains

secret agent = a spy                                ennemy

to spy                                                        to manage

espionage ≠ counter-intelligence                to prepare

a bullet-proof vest                                        an agency

a tuxedo = un smoking

a knife

to stab

a terrorist


to invent


An interview about JB and Ian Fleming

  • Ian Fleming was the inventor / creator.

   invented the character of JB.

  • He wrote a lot of / many books.

  • The James Bond books were written by Ian Fleming.
  • Many people bought JB books when there were written / published.

Vocab box :

an inventor / a creator

to buy (bought – bought)

to write (wrote-written)

to publish

a lot of = many

Monday, January 28th

  • Ian Fleming had a lot of day-to-day contact with spies as he worked for the Brtish Naval Intelligence / was a member of … during WWII / the second world war.

  • However he was not a spy himself.
  • He was fascinated by spies  /by them.
  • So / therefore / also, when he decided to become a writer in the late 40s, early 50s, he decided to write a series of books about a super spy.

Vocab box :

so = therefore

also = aussi

to come up with = to invent = to imagine

to be fascinated by

Monday, February 4th

  1. End of WWII
  • During WWII, the US and the Soviet Union fought together as allies.
  • But there were tensions and mutual hostility.

Wednesday, February 6th

  1. Containment
  • Communism was considered as a threat to capitalist countries.
  • At the end of the Second World War, American officials said that : ''the only way to defend against the Soviet Union was ''containment''.
  1. The Arms race
  • During the Cold War, the Soviets tested an atomic bomb of their own, precisely in 1949.
  • However the USA created a more destructive bomb called the hydrogen bomb (super bomb).
  1. The Space race
  • One goal during the Cold War was to send a sattellite in space.
  • The Soviets were the first to launch Sputnik.
  • However, the Americans were the first to send a man on the Moon (Neil Armstrong 1969).

Vocab box :

a goal = an objective = an aim = un but

own = propre (le leur)

a threat = une menace

to threaten = menacer

to launch = lancer (dans l'espace)


to send = envoyer

the Moon = la Lune

destructive = destructeur / destructrice


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