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Fiche : Kouroubi. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Février 2018  •  Fiche  •  461 Mots (2 Pages)  •  675 Vues

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KOUROUBI is a popular dance with a Muslim connotation, specific to the GONTOUGO region. It precedes the end of Ramadan. The Kouroubi is danced by young girls whose age varies between 3 and 25 years on scaffolds high about 2.5 m above the ground, hence its dangerous nature. In our presentation we will talk about the origin of this cultural dance and how it unfolds.


Nobody says for sure the origin of kouroubi. Some people say it was on the night of Destiny. The goal is to awaken men during the reading of the Qur'an. The festive habit has remained since then. Female specificity so!

But this dance would be the survival of an animist tradition reintroduced into the festivities of Islam. It is practiced by virgins. The kouroubi, an opportunity for those who must get married after Ramadan to make their last outing of singles with their friends. Also, a proud moment for parents to flaunt their child that they managed to drive "pure" marriage.


With time, the kouroubi became cultural heritage of Zanzan. Only large area of ​​the country where it is still alive. The other regions banned it in the middle of the 1990-2000 decade. The reason he would have a little religious character. Feast with Muslim connotation, even if the dancers are of all religious tendencies.

[pic 1][pic 2]


If you feel dizzy, refrain! The weight of the girls dancing on the beams makes fear falls. Tradition says that if a girl climbs the scaffold without being a virgin, the entire device collapses. Endangering her friends. Accidents, all the same rare.

Kuroubi, dance little media today. Little exploited on the tourist level. In Bondoukou and Bouna, opinions converge: forbidding this dance of rejoicing is "amputating Zanzan on the one hand for its cultural wealth.


The dance begins on the night of fate, three days before the end of Ramadan and continues until the end of the fast. On occasion, the girls wear ceremonial clothes.

The party, usually starts at 22h, where the dancers swing their arms wide while holding ponytails, They swing in synchronized gestures to the harmonious sound of different musical instruments.

 Accompanied by young men playing rattan tam-tam or square drum and women of their families.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, the girls go up to sit and dance on scaffolding; according to tradition, this one collapses if one of them is not virgin1. They sleep from 3:30 to 5:30, and then go down again to dance until 7:00. They have no right to eat, nor to drink during this time


Kuroubi, dance little media today. Little exploited on the tourist level. In Bondoukou and Bouna, opinions converge: forbidding this dance of rejoicing is "amputating the Gontougo on the one hand for its cultural wealth.


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