Étude de cas : Katrina. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mimi26540 • 7 Novembre 2015 • Étude de cas • 1 009 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 090 Vues
Premièrement, pour présenter les différentes notions qu’aborde l’étude de l’ouragan qui s’est déroulé à Katrina à la Nouvelle Orléans, je vais vous parler de la notion de pouvoir. Celle-ci apparaît notamment sous différents aspects. En effet, l’ouragan, phénomène naturel, a un power destructeur. Plus de 30000 maisons ont été détruites suite à cette catastrophe. Les conséquences sont donc excessives. Cet ouragan a provoqué des vents de 130 miles par heure, qui ont détruit les digues censées protéger la ville. Les routes ont été submergées par les rivières. Tout était inondé. Certaines personnes ont pu s’abriter comme par exemple à l’étage de leur maison (Angela Chalk), d’autres ont été moins chanceux. Même le Superdome couldn’t withstand a hurricane that was rated 5. On peut donc dire que l’ouragan a le pouvoir de détruire des vies, la nature et les constructions humaines à toute allure et pourtant on aurait pu prendre des mesures… En effet, cette notion de pouvoir intervient également au niveau étatique. Pour mener à bien l’évacuation d’une ville, il faut faire un tas de procédures. Par cette prise de temps, l’évacuation s’est faite trop tard. En effet, FEMA had no power to carry out the evacuation. It took too much time to invoke the Insurrection Act ( which allows the army to tackle civil issues). Toujours concernant la notion de power, federalization was finally considered but it was too late. Even if FEMA would have been allowed to carry out the evacuation of no it lacked suitable staff and equipment to evacuate such a big city. Moreover, they should have evacuated 2 or 3 days before the landfall but he couldn’t obtain de video conference to call to explain how important it was to evacuate before the hurricane hit no. En plus de cet echec, both the governer and the mayor didn’t fullfill their responsabilies. Brown called Bush to urge him to order Nagin to evacuate the city but it was too late. Despite le pouvoir qui est donné à l’état, ils réussissent quand même à ne pas remplir leur mission.
On peut même donc aborder ici la notion d’anti héros. En effet, president Bush was criticized because he watched the aftermath from above in Air Force I.
Seulement, une décennie après la catastrophe, le Président Obama essaye de trouver des solutions. People are rebonding, the city has partly recovered. Health care and education results have improved. Le Président Obama essaye aussi de trouver des solutions pour diminuer l’écart qui existe entre la communauté noire et la communauté blanche (lors de l’ouragan, la communauté noire a moins été prise en charge que la communauté blanche). La notion de progrès est donc aussi présente. Pour finir, nous pouvons aussi dire de manière moindre que la notion spaces and exchanges intervient car les échanges se font entre la Nouvelle Orléans et Washington pour que la ville renaissent après la catastrophe qui a eu lieue en 2005. Egalement, la notion d’espace apparaît encore car l’ouragan a dévasté d’immenses zones d’espaces qui sont difficiles à protéger et à reconstruire.
First, to present the different notions which are present in the study of hurricane Katrina whick took place in New Orleans, I am going to talk about the concept of power. This appears especially in different aspects. Indeed, the hurricane, natural phenomenon, has a destructive power. More than 30,000 houses were destroyed because of this disaster. The aftermaths were excessive. This hurricane caused winds of 130 miles per hour, which blighted the levees meant to protect the city. Roads were overwhelmed by the rivers. Everything was flooded. Some people were able to shelter such as on the floor of their house (Angela Chalk), others were less lucky. Even the Superdome could not withstand a hurricane that was rated 5. We can therefore say that the hurricane has the power to destroy lives, nature and human constructions at high speed and however we could take some mesures ... Indeed this notion of power is also involved for state level. To carry out the evacuation of a city, a lot of procedures must be done. By losing all that time, the evacuation was done too late. In fact, FEMA had no power to carry out the evacuation. It took too much time to invoke the Insurrection Act (which allows the army to tackle civil issues). As far as the concept of power is still considered, Federalization was finally considered but it was too late. Even if FEMA would have been allowed to carry out the evacuation of New Orleans, it lacked suitable staff and equipment to evacuate such a big city. Moreover, they should have evacuated 2 or 3 days before the landfall but a video conference couldn’t be obtained to explain how important it was to evacuate before the hurricane hit New Orleans. In addition to this failure, both the mayor and the governer didn’t fullfill their responsabilies. Brown called Bush to urge him to order Nagin to evacuate the city but one more time, it was too late. Despite the power given to the state, they still manage to not fulfill their mission.