Exposé anglais world War 2
Discours : Exposé anglais world War 2. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Marie Dudouit • 12 Novembre 2019 • Discours • 979 Mots (4 Pages) • 657 Vues
Oral presentation
Diapo 1
Today, we’re decided to present a subject very important for us. It's about the environmental preoccupation. Indeed, our standard of living, our level of consumption, is not in line with the number of people we are on earth and the number of resources we have.
Problematic : What’s the future of earth ? (specially about pollution and resource depletion)
Diapo 2 : Introduction : what is the pollution ? Pollution is the degradation of a natural environment.
Diapo 3 : 1. If we don’t change anything : what consequences for the earth in future ?
Currently on earth, we are 7 billion people. With a constantly increasing population.
Diapo 4: Waste is a reflection of the human activity of production - consumption - use. In France, one person produces about three hundred and seventy four kilos of waste per year.
Diapo 5 : Consequences of our way of life :
- Resources depletion
- Pollution : Greenhouse gases, Ozone layer’s destruction and Acid rain
Diapo 6 : According to the United Nations Environment Program, (eighty six) 86% of the world's natural resources are consumed by 20% of the population, that is, the population of industrialized countries. In contrast, the poorest 20% consume only 1%.
Diapo 7 : Global Footprint Network calculates the Earth Overshoot Day. marks the date when we (all of humanity) have used more from nature than our planet can renew in the entire year. In 2018 (two thousand and eighteen), it fell on August 1.
Diapo 8 : In France, our earth overshoot Day is the 5th may, and if the whole world consumed like us, it would take 3 planets to provide for our needs.
Diapo 9 : Now we will explain the consequences of pollution :
Greenhouse gases are gases that absorb sunlight in the redistribution of radiation in the Earth's tree.
Consequences :
-> The average temperature at the surface of the globe increase significantly.
-> Less ice and snow and sea level rise
-> More extreme weather incidents
Diapo 10 : The ozone layer is a layer of air, which filters the sun's rays. It degrades because of the factories' gases etc ... and to create which holes let some sunlight through without filtering them. These rays are bad for our health.
Effects: Effects on human health -> causes skin cancer. And this has adverse effects on nature.
Diapo 11 Acid rain is due to the mixing of normal rain with the gases released by factories, heating plants or engines.
Effects: These rains have a destructive effect on forests. They cause the acidification of some lakes with disappearance of fauna and flora.
Diapo 12 : 2. Solutions that exist :
Diapo 13 : CO2 emission quota for factories
Definition: This is a treaty taken at the Kyoto summit to encourage the industry to limit its CO2 emissions. Each company has an emissions quota If it emits less CO2 than the limit set by the government, it can sell(on the European Union-Emission Trading Scheme) its right to another company that has released too much CO2.