Exposé anglais adsl
Résumé : Exposé anglais adsl. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Anne Onime • 12 Mai 2020 • Résumé • 641 Mots (3 Pages) • 609 Vues
first we will see a basic definition of the adsl then we will see the diférante version and how the adls arrives at home
intro 1
the ADSL technology (Asymmectric Digital Subscriber Line)
This system makes it possible to coexist on a single line a downlink broadband channel use to download, an uplink medium speed channel use to upload and telephony channel
explication basique
for the classic adsl it uses a frequency band going from 0hz up to 1104khz (one thousand one hundred and four)
it consists of the three channels mentioned above, the POTS its the telephone channel going from 0 to 4khz
then the upload band extending from 25khz(twenty five) to 138khz(one hundred and thirty-eight) and the download band ranging from 138khz(one hundred and thirty-eight) to 1104khz(one thousand one hundred and four)
The theoretical maximum speed of an ADSL line is 8 Mbps
variante 2
but adsl is a varanat of the dsl thecnologie
The term DSL can be broken down into several groups: HDSL, SDSL, ADSL, RADSL, VDSL. Each of these groups has a specific use and characteristics.
The differences between these technologies are to be distinguished by:
-Transmission speed
-Maximum transmission distance
-The variation in flow between the upward and downward flow
-Whether the link is symmetrical or not
HDSL (High bit rate DSL) is the first technique from DSL and was born in the early one thousand nine hundred and ninety
With this technique, it is possible to reach a speed of 2Mbps in both directions on cable and 3 Mbps in both directions on two cables.
SDSL (Single pair DSL) is the precursor of HDSL2 (this technology, derived from HDSL should offer the same performance as the latter but on a cable) .This technique is designed for a shorter distance than HDSL
these are two symmetrical technology where the connection is made through cable with an identical flow in rising flow as in falling flow.
now let's see the asymmetric system
because by studying the debit it was found that the users needed more debit download than debit upload
so we enlarge the frequency band for the download by reducing the upload
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) just like HDSL has existed for ten years and was first developed to receive television over the conventional telephone network. But the development