Ecrire un essai d'anglais
Guide pratique : Ecrire un essai d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Sam Bougon • 28 Novembre 2018 • Guide pratique • 1 697 Mots (7 Pages) • 1 335 Vues
1ère OIB – Writing an essay
How far do the female characters in two of the novels you have studied challenge socially accepted roles of women in society?
- Underline the key words in the essay – make sure you understand what they mean
- The questions push you to explore STYLE (the different ways / HOW a writer does something)
- Think about the theme being explored (role of women in society – which characters will you choose? Choose the most interesting ones – not more than two for each novel; maybe only one character will do).
- Start brainstorming possible ideas.
- Organise them into paragraphs.
- Now you can start thinking about your thesis statement. See below.
- Start with an interesting hook into the subject or topic; something that grabs the reader’s attention
- Explain how you understand the question and define the key terms (always in connection with the works you are studying)
- Set out your thesis statement – this is usually one or two sentences that present your argument to the reader; it tells the reader how you interpret the question and what to expect in the rest of the essay; it directly the answers the question asked of you. See worksheet. It is not a question.
- Do not say: First of all, we will look at …. And then we will look at …
- Do not ask a question in your introduction.
Body of the essay
The rest of the essay gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader that your thesis statement is correct. Everything in your essay should prove the thesis statement.
Each paragraph should contain the following:
Topic Sentence / Lead sentence: main idea to be explored in the paragraph; a topic sentence is your argument; it should link back to the thesis statement. It tells the reader exactly what the paragraph is going to be about. You should also link back to the previous paragraph.
Evidence: you need to provide evidence to support your topic sentence; evidence can be an example or a quotation; make sure your quotes are precise and do not overuse long quotes. Show that your argument is based on the text.
Explanation: make sure you explain your evidence: say why it proves your idea and topic sentence; comment on parts of the quote and how they strengthen your argument; convince the reader that your evidence is strong evidence.
You can deal with Annie John in the first part of your essay and then Wuthering Heights in the second part.
Topic Sentence(s) The younger generation in the novel present contrasting attitudes to the expectations placed on women in 1950s Antigua: whilst Gwen seems to delight in conforming to the expectations that society places on women, Annie increasingly challengers and rebels against the societal rules placed on her. Develop and give evidence from the text Indeed, Gwen accepts her father’s rulings, believes that attention from her brother Rowan is the highest compliment that Annie could receive, and is eager herself to get married, settle down and take on the responsibilities of running her own household. In contrast, Annie breaks away from Gwen and is increasingly attracted to the rebellious Red Girl, a girl who breaks all the rules imposed on young girls: she climbs trees, plays with marbles and does not seem concerned about staying neat, clean and tidy. (Try to bring in literary techniques) The Red Girl with her fiery hair (a symbol for passion and danger) represents an alternative way of life for Annie, one that she seems to embrace. Together, the two girls escape the prying eyes of adults and find their own private space, the lighthouse, a place where they can play freely without any constraints. (Make sure paragraphs flow and you use link words to help the examiner follow your idea.) Ultimately, this desire to break away from the expectations placed on women leads Annie to reject her former friend, Gwen and to break away from her mother’s influence. At the end of the novel, Annie decides to leave Antigua and move to England. When her mother suggests that she will settle down soon and get married, Annie laughs and calls the idea absurd. (Bring in motifs / symbols)Moreover, this new-found independence is represented by Annie’s request for her father to make her a new trunk; a decision which emphasizes desire to break away from her parents’ control and establish her own identity. (Sum up paragraph) Ultimately, at the end of the novel, Annie seems determined to forge her own path and not to stick to the path already traced out from women at the time: she rejects marriage and heads off to England determined to have her own career. |
Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.
Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away that will help them see the literary works in a different way. You can bring together the two works in your conclusion.