DAEU - Anglais - Devoir argumentatif
Commentaire de texte : DAEU - Anglais - Devoir argumentatif. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Law06 • 11 Octobre 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 926 Mots (4 Pages) • 606 Vues
DAEU Anglais
Compréhension de l’écrit :
- From line 1 to line 12, the three elements that Lord Henry uses to define beauty are: line 3/4 “Beauty is a form of genius – It needs no explanation. It cannot be questioned.”; line 5 “It makes princes of those who have it”; line 7/8 “Beauty is the wonder of wonders”.
- The passages in the text which show that beauty does not last forever according to the author:
line 11 “When your youth goes, your beauty will go with it”; line 13/14 “Every month as it wanes brings you nearer to something dreadful.”; and line 14 “Time is jealous of you”
- Lord Henry thinks that…
a. It is better to be clever than good-looking.
It’s faulse: line 3/4 “beauty is higher than genius” and line 7 “at least it is not so superficial as thought is.”
Therefore, it is claimed here that Lord Henry believes that intelligence is better than beauty, which is false and proven twice. Therefore, the purpose here is not to give an opinion, but to quote it as saying that beauty is better than intelligence.
b. People should be judged by their looks.
It’s true: line 8 “It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances”
According to the lord, everyone should be judged by his appearance.
c. Getting old is horrid
It’s true: line 13/16 “Every month as it wanes brings you nearer to something
dreadful. Time is jealous of you, and wars against your lilies and your roses.
You will become sallow, and hollowcheeked, and dull-eyed. You will suffer
This sentence shows that in the text aging seems horrible.
- Lord Henry advises his friend to take full advantage of life, to make the most of his youth because it will not be eternal and also to live many different experiences.
- The two elements revealing Dorian’s reactions to the speech are on the line 3 he “frowns” and line 5 he “smiles”. Dorian’s reaction seems manifold as he seems both embarrassed and uncomfortable but seems flattered at the same time.
- The statement that best fits the passage is number 3 “It focuses on how people conform to wrong ideals.” because it supports the idea that people want to look like ideal models that are not real.
- The means by which some people strive for physical perfection are on line 10/11 “turn to diet pills or steroids, or try cosmetic surgery and Botox injections.”
- The possible consequences of this quest for physical perfection are “the desire can become all-consuming (l.6); “serious body image problems (l.7/8); “eating disorders” (l.9) and “a public health problem” (l.28)
- Lancôme ads were banned for being misleading because the photos are edited, potential customers couldn’t reproduce the same effect.
Line 23/26 “are naturally beautiful, and neither of the two women needs digital retouching to look great. Yet both images were manipulated to the extent that l'Oreal, which owns Lancôme, could not prove the makeup's ability to replicate such flawlessness”
- The author wants the next generations to grow up by accepting their own bodies and image and turn away from the false ideals promoted by the current advertising culture.
Expression écrite :
1- Your best friend is ready for cosmetic surgery… and you think she does not need it. Imagine your dialogue (150 words)
Laura: What are you doing?
Ines: I look at these magazines to decide which plastic surgery procedures I should do soon.