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Cours d'anglais

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Par   •  24 Mars 2015  •  279 Mots (2 Pages)  •  915 Vues

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ANGLAIS COURS 12/02/2015

China / video


Beliefs / behavior

Face / reputation

Page 30 Market leader

Pizza company – wanted to open up their stores in china

They wanted to get into the chinese market

They stayed in china ofr 18 months

In the first 6 months they opened 10 outlets

 Problem to the size of pizza , not adapte to chineses consumers

 They not listen to David’s advice

They don’t care about what he says

- Joint venture : business arengment ( 2 business, work together to get a better deal , they pull their resources)

- Usually, when you want to set up your business in china, you need a local part partner


Foothold : mettre le pied dans le marché / to succed really quickly

Munchem = No way back ; brand with no credibility

6 mistakes he mad when he set up in china :

- No market research / didn’t understand the Chinese business model

- Dident care about advices given by David li.

- Too big / pizza not adapt / product / didn’t like the toppings ( garniture)

- Pricing : too expansive

- Home delivery service is unreliable : 20 minutes : traffic problem ( sometimes hours) it damage our reputation

- Attractive décor ? Chinese wanted real restaurant / need to spend time because they are really sociable

How would you prepare for a business trip to a country you had never visited before ?

- Market research / business plan about the culture / behavior , habits

- Political context

- Language issues ( currency)

- Gender

- Religion

- Taxes ? import duties

- Get a great international layer

- Research concerning the marketing / trend of the market

- Competitors ?

- Princing ?

- Opportunities of the market

- Threats

- Presents for meetings


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