Consummer survey
TD : Consummer survey. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Aurelia1612 • 29 Septembre 2017 • TD • 507 Mots (3 Pages) • 595 Vues
1. Where do you usually buy things ?
- Small store : often/ rarely/ never
- Shopping centre : often/ rarely/ never
- Marketplace : often/ rarely/ never
- Internet stores : often/ rarely/ never
2. How many times a week do you go shopping ?
- I don’t shop every week
- Once or twice a week
- 3 or 4 times a week
- More than 4 times a week
3. Do brand names influence you purchasing a type of product ?
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
4. Do you tend to buy more when there are sales and special offers on ?
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
5. What influences you the most to shop in a specific store ?
Prices Variety of products Convenience
Brands Service Delivery options available
6. If given the option, would you prefer to buy goods with ethical certifications over other goods ?
- No, a good’s ethical certification does not factor into my buying decisions.
- Maybe, but I don’t know enought about ethical certifications to say for sure
- Possibly, but it will depend on quality and price of them
- Definitely, I feel it is important to be an ethical consumer
7. How often do you buy organic products ?
- Several times a week
- Once a week
- Once a month
- Few times a year
8. What kind of organic products do you buy?
- Food/drink
- Cosmetics
- Clothing/Fabric
- Cleaning products
- Other, please specify :………
9. Why do you choose organic products ? (please rank your answers from 1 to 3)
- Ethical reasons
- Protect the environment
- Quality of product
- Piece of mind
10. Which of these food products do you buy the most ? (please rank your answers from 1 to 3)
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Meat
- Other, please specify :………
11. When a product first enters the market, You are among the :
- First to purchase the product
- Early majority of purchasers
- The great majority of purchasers
- Late majority of purchasers
- Last to purchase the product
12. When purchasing a product what is the most important characteristics for you?
Ethical principles
13. For you, organic products corresponds to: