BTS Chat Anglais Entrainement
Étude de cas : BTS Chat Anglais Entrainement. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar informatik12 • 14 Octobre 2018 • Étude de cas • 918 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 039 Vues
Chat – Sujet n°13
You are the IT manager of a small publishing company and you have received the following message from the Public Relations Manager
“Some of our online subscribers can't log in. They keep receiving a message telling that their password is not valid. Could you please fix this problem?”
You are the IT Manager.
The examiner plays the part of the Public Relations Manager
[pic 1]
PRM : Hello
IM : Hey
PRM : Some users have problems with their passwords.
IM : Yes! Can you tell me more?
PRM : When they want to log in, it’s written that their passwords are wrong.
IM : Did you try to click on “password forgotten”?
PRM : I ‘ve tried but it's not working.
IM : Most often, it is the difference between upper and lower-case characters.
PRM : We paid attention to the characters but it’s still not working.
IM : The keyboard may be switched to American keyboard (qwerty). You have to press the "a" key and see if the computer returns an "a" or a "q".
PRM : This worked for some subscribers. However, some still have problems.
IM : Good! Have these users already logged in?
PRM : Yes! They wanted to check their accounts and when they tried to connect, it did not work.
IM : Have you detected another problem on the site?
PRM : Hum… I don't think so, maybe.
IM : It may be a synchronization error. I’ll reboot the server as soon as possible.
PRM : Ok thank you, what can I do in the meantime?
IM : I would ask you, check if the usernames and passwords are correct.
PRM : What do you mean?
IM : The passwords may be incorrect because of special characters.
The accounts may also have been stolen and their access changed.
PRM : It's hard to imagine, isn’t it?
IM : Why not?
In addition, hardware compatibility must be ensured, the browsers or operating systems might not be up-to-date.
This could cause bugs in various places.
Moreover, I already saw that this caused a problem of encoding.
PRM : And, how do you know if this is the case?
IM : Enter the following command into a terminal: sudo locale-gen fr_FR.UTF-8
Once done, try again and tell me.
PRM : Ok it's done, I asked a user to try again but it failed.
IM : Okay.
However, at the first connection, the user is asked to choose a new password. Did they do it correctly?
PRM : Logically
IM : Very well, in this case, send me all the mails of the subscribers who have problems to return them an email with new provisional passwords.