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Article sur le DreamTime des Aborigenes

Étude de cas : Article sur le DreamTime des Aborigenes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Mai 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  273 Mots (2 Pages)  •  584 Vues

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The aborigines have a myth which talks about the creation of the world and the universe. The cultural history of the aboriginal people over 65,000 years. "Dreamtime" is both religion and aboriginal culture.

If American dream looks like a social or professional form or success for foreign from unprivileged backgrounds going to USA , the Australian dream is much more spiritual.

Indeed , the Aborigines have a mystical conception of the universe creation. In their mind, all are connected : past, present and future. They call "the dreaming time " the history of the universe which allow to communicate with spirits of dead people. The Australian dream also explains how human beings, animals, mountains and so on were created.

the most famous aboriginal name is "Tjukurpa" but the name is Wongar for the Murgins in the lands of Arnhem, Bugari for Karadjiri in the Kimberleys, Mijidding for the Nyungar and Atjiranga for Aranda in Central Australia. The "Dreamtime" is part of the culture of the aborigines which it explains the origin of the land and the people.

This drawing made by the aborigines show that the rainbow serpent creates the world. There are many stories associated with the Rainbow Serpent, that show us the importance of this mythical being in Aboriginal traditions. In this myth, the rainbow snake said : " Those who respect my laws will be rewarded - I will give them human form. Those who break my laws will be turned into stones, they will never walk on the earth again. " it indicates that the rainbow snake is very important for the aborigines

08 october 2018 BBC Australia


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