Anglais : les GAFAM
TD : Anglais : les GAFAM. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar aduchemann • 29 Mars 2021 • TD • 378 Mots (2 Pages) • 755 Vues
5questions/ 5answers about the article Alexis Duchemann
- What google and the other companies are being accused of?
They are being accused of not paying their share of taxes.
- What’s being reproached to social media companies?
They are being reproached with not blocking extremist content on their platforms, the only thing that they are blocking for now is child extremist related content.
- What comes with the growth of GAFAM?
With the growth of GAFAM, their power are increasing and it’s hard to stop them or even regulate them because combined they are making
$143bn dollars just for one quarter.
- Why are the GAFAM unstoppable?
The GAFAM are unstoppable because there is a lack of laws and regulations at the moment, and the government are trying to slow down their growth little by little with new law and regulations they have enforced.
- Why is the government trying to slow down the growth of tech giants.
The government is trying to slow down the growth of tech giants because if they let them get bigger, they will be unstoppable and they will have too much power and the government are afraid that GAFAM will have more power than the government itself.
10 voc words learned during this unit
To conceal = cacher/ dissimuler
To enforce = faire respecter/ appliquer
law enforcement = application de la loi
A shift = un changement
To be dependable = être digne de confiance/ fiable
To depend on = de dépendre de (qqchose, qqun)
Utilities = services publiques (eau, électricité)
To enable = permettre
Quarterly revenues = revenues trimestrielles
Mainstream = grand public