Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension
TD : Anglais: Exercices d’aide à la compréhension. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Maeva22 • 14 Mai 2013 • TD • 534 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 329 Vues
Exercices d’aide à la compréhension
Exercice 1
Online Social Networking (document 1)
Circle the correct answer and justify with elements from the text.
1. According to the text, social networking is becoming more and more popular because ...
a) it is trendy.
b) it is easier to use and safer.
c) increasingly inexpensive.
Justify: ....................................................................................................................................................
2. The leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos ...
a) used it to communicate during meetings.
b) set up a site for consumers.
c) communicated with each other through their site after the meeting was over.
Justify: ....................................................................................................................................................
3. Companies ...
a) are eager to implement social networking for their employees.
b) are wary of employees networking at the workplace.
c) encourage all employees to social network to increase profits.
Justify: ....................................................................................................................................................
4. Surveys carried out in the USA and the UK about the use of social networking by small busi- nesses reveal that ...
a) most small businesses find social networking worthwhile.
b) most companies think it is too expensive to use.
c) relatively few small businesses think it’s useful.
Justify: .................................................................................................................................................... 5. The impact of online social networking for companies is ...
a) negative.
b) positive and negative.
c) positive.
Justify: ....................................................................................................................................................
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Devoir 3
Exercice 2
Fill in the blanks with the following words.
networking - wonder - in addition - leaked - background - corporate - smeared - current - trig- gered - argue
We can ............... whether social networking is for better or worse. Companies are afraid information can be ................ A ............... version of Twitter has been created, but employers worry that employees spend too much time ............... in the workplace. However we could also ............... it has benefits for employers. Recruiters can check an applicant’s................ Companies whose reputation has been ............... in the ............... economic crisis can use PRs to infiltrate blogs to try and improve their image. ................small businesses can advertise