Anglais 1ère - Écriture d'invention en anglais 1ère
Dissertation : Anglais 1ère - Écriture d'invention en anglais 1ère. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Amelievioux • 20 Avril 2017 • Dissertation • 486 Mots (2 Pages) • 990 Vues
ENGLISH - 1ère
The road began to sink. We could no longer see the fences on the sides, but just rocks. And suddenly the cars stopped in front of an enormous metal door surrounded by concrete. Enormous blocks of concrete. David had visited ancient fortifications of the Maginot line, but nothing like it. Even the Simserhof, located near Bitche, seemed small by this door. But David was not at the end of his surprise.
The soldier returned to his car and the barrier opened. David looked around him, the military base where he had spent ten months of his life. There was not much change. The grass always as well mowed, the alleys always as clean. The same buildings. Just the scenery had changed. They were tanks. These were the chariots that David had had the opportunity to see work and which had now replaced the old tanks that served as scenery. That made David smile.
The two men surround David and lead him to the car, a space, parked in front of his house. He told himself that it would be nice if his neighbor could see him like that, surrounded by two bodyguards. It's 'pro'. And as every morning, his neighbor Florence watches him leave, but this time surrounded by two big guys barked, shaved close, chin and skull. A little more feet on the ground and especially more awakened, she does not find this scene very funny. She must come to see him this evening, on his return, to ask her what it was.
Today is his birthday. He's twenty-six, but he does not remember. He does not pay attention to that kind of detail. David is a distracted, shy man, but sure of himself. He is tall and thin. Large hands extend his long arms. It would be possible for him to hold two bottles of Champagne in each of his hands, but he never drinks. Alcohol makes him sick and unhappy, seeing depressive.
As I have just told you Florence, this is unfortunately not a joke. David has worked on two old technologies that have been abandoned for a long time and he has coupled them. Separated, they were worthless, but, he brought them together and started the process. As you should know, there are now more computers on Earth than humans and all these computers are connected through the network of networks: Internet.
The only way to stop it would be to stop all computers, which would have the same consequences as letting Prelude throw the bombs. For a long time, all hazardous installations were controlled by computers. If the computers were stopped, the nuclear plants would run up, the nuclear silos would spit their death on the whole planet. Of course, the global economy led by the stock market would collapse. David did not know what to do and obviously all the soldiers in the room were counting on him to resolve the crisis.