4P anglais
Cours : 4P anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar MAAN ! • 12 Avril 2016 • Cours • 580 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 195 Vues
Chapitre ; 2 Brands, Marketing and advertising
1) The marketing Mix :
It is composed of 5 P:
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
• Packaging
Product :
1. The various types of goods/ services
• Disposable (= jetable) goods : they have a short life, and sometimes a unique use
• Durable goods : they have a longer life, duration (ex : consumer electronics= produits électroménager) cars…
• Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) goods which are consumed quickly or which have a short lifetime (households= produits ménagers)
2. The life cycle product of products :
• Introduction : the brand launches a product
• Growth : the sales rise profit increases too. At the same time manufacturing costs decrease thanks to economies of scale (= économies d’echelle)
• Maturity : sales are still high but there are new competitors on the market
• Saturation : there is too much supply (offer) compared to demand. Start to decrease
• Declin : sales fall, the product is either discounted or upgraded. Finally, the product is withdrawn
Price :
It includes manufacturing costs, profit margin, any other kind of costs like transport, supply chain.
To set up a price a company takes other elements into account :
• Competitors (= concurrents)
• Range (=gamme) of products : highend, upmarket (= haut de gamme) bottom of the range (= bas de gamme)
Critical point= prix d’acceptation
Odd pricing = prix psychologique
Place :
The choice of the place is important because it has to reflect. The brand image :
• The brand image
• The result of market surveys
• The customers
• The competitors
• The way of selling
Packaging :
It’s the first thing that a customer or prospect will see in a store or an online store.
• The element that are taken into account : the visual aspect : colours, logo, drawing, photo, picture, font (police de caractère)
• The shape (la forme) : -in order to differentiate from competitors
-In order to highlight (mettre en lumiere) the practical aspects