Pros and cons : avantages et inconvénients. (BE + V ing)
Cours : Pros and cons : avantages et inconvénients. (BE + V ing). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Theo le bosse le s • 16 Novembre 2022 • Cours • 1 043 Mots (5 Pages) • 355 Vues
C.E.O = Chief executive officer
To hire = Embaucher, engager
To fire = Licencier
Tuesday, 20th September 2022
Wednesday, 5th October 2022
Working Life
Chapter II :
Pros and cons : avantages et inconvénients. (BE + V ing)
1) Describe this workplace
It’ a large open plan office with colourful walls and ceilings. There are plant pats and large windows The design is very modern. Employees are working at taldes, on sofas and even on the floor. They are wearing casual clothes. On the right we can see two people, one is working on this laptop, the other is having a look at the screen of the laptop.
2) Say what the pros and cons of working in such an environment are
The pros working in such an environment encourages creativity and collaborative working / There is better interaction
The cons working in such an environment could be distracting. The design is more conductive to relaxation than work. This environment wouldn’t suit jobs for which productivity
Is important, this open space could bring about noise.
Wednesday, 12th October 2022
Job Interview = entretien d’embauche
To apply for a job = Postuler ( emploi )
To recruit = Recruter
Vacancy = poste vacant
Application = Lettre de motivation
Resume/covering letter/application letter = CV
Recruiting Talent
Question 1:
This photo describe a job fair with many people to hire, we can see one man and one girl process a job interview for to recruit, this man is a job-seeker
Question 2: Feuille pour réponse aux questions
Tuesday, 18th October 2022
Applicant = postulant, demandeur d’emploi
Wednesday, 19th October 2022
A Bad Interview
The candidate was looking at his phone when he was for the interview. His clothes were too casual ( baggy T-shirt ).
He was still looking at his phone when he walked into the manager’s office.
He didn’t shake hands with the H.R manager at first.
He mentioned his salary expectations at the start of the interview. He answered a phone call during the interview.
He couldn’t think of any weakness. He was overconfident
Vocabulary :
Suit = Costume (men) ; Tailleur (woman)
Dress Codes At Work
1) Look and discuss
Pic 1 : Business formal
Pic 2 : Business casual
Pic 3 : Casual
B)1 What are inappropriate
advertising messages ? Give examples and explain
2 Why are sometimes jeans banned even on casual Fridays ?
3 How much skin can be shown ? Give examples
4 What does the cartoon tell us about casual Friday ?
Question 1 : Advertising that plays on taboo subjects : religion, sex, politics, smoking, drinking…
Question 2 : Jean’s are not to be worn when meeting clients or if you have got an important meeting, even in house with the CEO for example
Question 3 : Short-sleeved shirts and not too mini skirts are acceptable. Anything less is unsuitable for the workplace
Question 4 : Casual Friday means that you can wear less formal clothes but you still have to be careful and not exaggerate. A tidy clean shirt, smart jeans are appropriate.
Wednesday, 09th November 2022
Vocabulary :
To do something on purpose = faire exprès
To recover = se rétablir
Wages = salaire
General vocab :
Job interview, applying for a job, vacancies, meeting, position, office, manager, cover letter, wages, salaries, company, job agency, HR
Case 1 : A Woman, Sitting on a chair, suit, looks serious, Business formal dress code, looks focussed, high heels shoes, CV, memoresing data of the resume skirt, jacket, shirt, sitting straight