Animal suffering
Commentaire de texte : Animal suffering. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar CAGIE_352 • 8 Janvier 2019 • Commentaire de texte • 744 Mots (3 Pages) • 783 Vues
Animal Suffering
I introduce myself Pablo Sanchez, street artist for fifteen years now, aka Above, my identity was unmasked by cameras 1 month ago and now I am open to the light. I am preparing a new street art that I will present.
My street art will be related to the animal suffering. The roles between animals and humans will be reverses. I want to denounce animal suffering in the form of masses. My drawing represents a pig, cutting a human leg. This illustration denounces animal abuse. The drawing represents a pig who looks happy as if he was enjoying cutting the human leg. Moreover, the pig has on his cap the letter "A", which is the "A", of the word "assassin". This drawing denounces the animal suffering by the inversion man - animal, here the pig takes the place of the man and the human leg takes the place of the leg of the pig.
In addition, the eyes of the pig are black, empty, like a murderer, like butchers.
That is why, if I had to reproduce this drawing on a wall, I would do it on the wall of a butchery. Indeed, I would like to be able to challenge the passerby and the owner of the shop, to get them to think before buying this meat.
They seem to think that humans are most superior to everyone and we're the only ones that deserve to live on this planet. Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. Animal cruelty is like a disease, it just won't stop, students I will now tell you all my last argument which is why animal cruelty should be abolished. Classmates imagine your eyes being blinded, your skin being burnt off of your bones, your hair being ripped off or your legs or arms being torn apart. In today's cruel society, there are millions of animals that do not have the privileges we humans do. Talk about equality, these animals are getting no say in what they want.
Currently, the reality is terrifying: chopped chickens, live scalded chickens, mutilated pigs, farmed fish eaten alive by sea lice… All are sick, stuffed with antibiotics harmful for our own health. Every day, every minute, in France, several thousand of animals are victims of practices that related to torture. Imagine you were the one being tested on, imagine your skin being torn off alive, imagine your arms and legs being ripped off while still alive, imagine being burnt alive, fellow classmates even imagine losing your life, just so you can satisfy other species. Doesn’t sound fun does it? Good afternoon Miss and fellow classmates. Many of you may ask what is animal cruelty is. Animal cruelty is the act of violence against animals, testing them just so humans can undergo their normal lives. Ask yourselves what’s more important, mascara, or a living organism. They live and breathe like us, they have feelings and hearts, and so what makes us better than them? Are we just murderers too? I stand before you today, to make you all aware of how appalling animal cruelty really is and why it MUST be stopped.
When you think of animal abuse you probably just think violence being inflicted on an animal, or leaving it out in the cold, but those are just some forms of animal abuse. People are making animal's fight each other until one of them has died while suffering an unbearably painful death, just for their entertainment. Animals are being slaughtered in the most painful ways so that people can enjoy a nice delicious meal. Animals don't exist to be eaten; they exist for having a life just as us human beings.