Les réseaux sociaux
Commentaire de texte : Les réseaux sociaux. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Hortense Descamps • 26 Janvier 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 591 Mots (3 Pages) • 520 Vues
Hello, so I’m gonna to present my news
The subject of my news is the PMA for all.
In the first time i’m gonna to explain the PMA for you to understand
In the second time i’m gonna to explain why it would be a major societal advence
Later protests against the pma
Next debates that may have on the networks
And for finish what is the situation in France in relation to this law
Pma means medically assisted procreation, therefore it is a set of clinical or biological where medicine intervenes in the procreation. One of methods is through hormonal therapy to do ovarian stimulation. PMA can help some people who have difficulty having a child or couples with one of two infertile people. To date, this medical technique is addressed only to heterosexual couples, that is to say a couple consisting of a woman and a man.
The examination of the bioethics bill that began on Tuesday, September 24th in the National Assembly is an important moment for French democracy. The text honors a promise made by candidate Macron, who pledged to extend assisted reproduction (ART) to female couples and single women.
If it is voted, the PMA for all will remain as the major societal advance of its quinquennium, like what happened in 1999 when the left had voted the pacs, or in 2013, when it had makes marriage happen for everyone. French society has welcomed these major evolutions which jostle the representation of the couple and the family with calm.
Accompanying society's changes in this way does not preclude legitimate questions about a particular aspect of the text: even before its examination, a debate has begun, including in the majority, on the desirability of open the PMA to single women, for fear that the child is suffering from growing up without a father.
This law does not please everyone so that some events take place as 7 years ago against marriage for all. Several thousand opponents of the opening of the PMA to all women parade Sunday in Paris against this measure carried by the government is currently debated in Parliament. Waving green and red flags "Freedom Equality Paternity", protesters marched quietly from the Luxembourg Gardens, near the Senate, to the foot of the Montparnasse Tower, at the call of a group of twenty associations, including the Manif for all. The parade gathered 74,500 people.
The various opinions could be debated on social networks like Twitter. I'm going to read some examples of tweets illustrating both opinions.
These are the tweets for pma for all and also the tweets of a contrary opinion.
Lire diapo
If the PMA should be accessible to more French people within a few months, couples and transgender people alone will not yet be able to claim medical aid for procreation.
So first of all, I chose this topic because my sister is part of the Igbt community. I would like that she too be a mother day and that she can experience the joy of being a mother and being able to build a family. Each person can have their own opinion but can not expose it in a violent way. I think every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, everyone has the right to be happy and start a family. We can not be selfish because if we were in their situation we would also like to know it, freely. To end this news, I would like to say that regardless of our sexual orientation everyone has the right to be happy, and to have his own opinion but we must not think that either.