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Fiche anglais ldg

Chronologie : Fiche anglais ldg. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Décembre 2022  •  Chronologie  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  288 Vues

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  1. A slum is a house make with waste,
  2. The author tell « This is all I can afford »
  3. In slums there are no legal electricity and water,there is no sanitation, it's swampy and there are a lot of sick people,
  4. There are million people
  5. a poor Indian boy
  6. « Where we live like animals and die like insects »
  7. The houses can be demolished because there are not legal
  8. .
  9. It's an interview

text 2 :

  1. It's about a new form of tourism
  2. That consist to visit the slums
  3. The other name is poorism,he is formed of poor (=pauvre) and tourism
  4. the journalist
  5. He go in the slums
  6. .
  7. The conclusion of the journalist is the poorism is catching on
  8. There are the favelas of Rio and the garbage dumps of Mexico
  9. I think it's not good and i don't prefer this to beaches and museums


a)They both talk to slums and conditions to live in the slums.

They nether go to slums

b)Whereas in the text 1 the person lives in the slums unlike the text 2

The dhavari slum in Mumbai :

I)People live among tons of garbage:3

It looks like everything may fall apart any minute:1

People wade through muddy water:2

The children's living conditions are very unhealthy:3

II)Détritus, déchets:waste  Tôle ondulée:corrugated iron    Patauger:shack

insalubre:no sanitation       S'écrouler:demolished              Empilés:packed

III)I can't help feeling sorry for the people who live in such appalling conditions

I have the feeling that nobody cared for them

I can't believe this is for real !

It looks as if these people live in hell

I wish I could do something for the children in picture 2.


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