TD : Réflexivité. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar majdou31 • 14 Septembre 2020 • TD • 1 622 Mots (7 Pages) • 500 Vues
Objectif : Valider l'UE pour le S1 et le S2 qui se fera uniquement par rapport au travail réalisé sur la plateforme Cathalyst. Pour valider, il faut 100% d'activité réalisé et au moins 70% des activités réussies. Année 2 : 5 points, S3 e-learning + partiel épreuve de vocabulaire médical courant (15points).
ETUDE DE CAS : Traumatic process
A car crash has just hapenned. In the picture, we can see : - two rescuers/ two ambulancemen who are going to take care of the injured people/persons. / the wounded people.
Two casualties /injured persons who have just had the accident. The first man in the car is unconsciens, he is bleeding. He is severely injured. If the person manages to breathe . He may be placed in a recovery position. If the person isn-t breathing the rescuers will begin a CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
The symptoms of COVID and how it spreades : Viruses can be transmited through droplets when someone coughs or sneezes.
How do we knom that someone is infected ? We can diagnostic through : a PCR test, a blood test, a saliva test.
TIPS TO PREVENT VIRUSES : - You must wash your hands with hands with hand sanitizer. - You must wear a medical mask - You must check your temperature
- Head - Skull : Crâne
-Hair -Forehead : Front
-Nose - Nostril : narine
- Mouth - Throat : gorge - Tonsils amydales
- Larynx - Lips : lèvre
- A tooth : Teeth : dents - Tongue : langue
- Cheek : joue -Chin : menton
- Ear : oreille - Jaw : machoîre
- Eye - Eyelid : paupières - Eyebrow - Eyelashes
-Neck : cou - Nape of the neck : nuque - shoulder : épaule
- humerus