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Oral d'anglais sur les TV series

Dissertation : Oral d'anglais sur les TV series. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Juin 2024  •  Dissertation  •  928 Mots (4 Pages)  •  162 Vues

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Topic: Creation of a TV Series 

How to create a good TV series ?

- First, you have to create a good story. What is a good story ? A good story grabs the attention of the viewers. In a good story there are lots of  plot twists, it must also be filled with emotion. The story depends on a specific theme, but independently of that they all follow the same structure : they begin with a presentation of their context, then they incorporate one or more turning points to make it interesting.

- Second, you have to create not only the perfect character for your story but also give him a good character development throughout the season. We will come back to this point later.

- Then, the seasons must be structured : the first episode needs to be the introduction of the character and his life. The last episode should be the one with the most intrigue, making the viewers eager to know what happens next: it is the one they won’t be able to forget until the next season. During the season, there must be 2 or 3 important twists to start a new and interesting plot. These twists will grab the attention of the viewers for short term periods (so that the viewers are captivated during the episode) but also for long term periods (so they’ll watch the entire season).

 There are several jobs in the creation of a TV series. There are screenwriters, directors, producers, actors and technicians. The screenwriter is the person who writes the script, which will tell actors what to say and how. The director is responsible for the artistic creation of the series (he decides the lighting, the rhythm, the cutting, …). The producer chooses projects and manages budgets for materials, staff, etc. And the technicians take care of what is requested by the director (lighting, sound effects, editing, …).


It seems simple, but we still need to know who we're going to follow for the entire series. Who is he on the outside? On the inside ? What’s his main goal during the whole series ?


Now that you know who's in the story, it's time to create some backstory. What's happened to him that defines him ? Does he have a secret past ? A haunting trauma? Also, what's happening to him now and how does he react? Character development is one of the most important things, the fact of identifying yourself in the character will make you appreciate him.


It may seem secondary, but the place where the character evolves can have a big impact on him. By exemple if the character lives in poverty he will probably think in a different way then someone who’s rich. He will also have a different sense of priority.

Elliot, Mr. Robot :

I started the series « Mr. Robot » and I love it so I decided to introduce you to the main character Elliot.

I still haven't finished the entire series but from what I saw, I can easily explain you what it is about.

Elliot is a young computer engineer who works at Allsafe security, a computer protection company. He suffers from social anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. In the world nobody is better than him at hacking, which allowed him to hack everyone he meets. During the first season his objective is to make the debts of everyone disappear for a better redistribution and a better society.


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