Exposé d'anglais sur l'obamacare
TD : Exposé d'anglais sur l'obamacare. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar testletest • 23 Février 2023 • TD • 305 Mots (2 Pages) • 340 Vues
I’m going to talk about the American health care system and more precisely about the Affordable Care Act better known as ObamaCare.
In the USA there is 2 health care system. The first one is Medicaid for the poorest people. Then there is the Madicare for persons over 65 years old. Both help a little the Americans but it’s not enough.
Since 2014 there is Obamacare, the goal is to give to all the American people a great health cover because only the rich can afford great services because it is very expensive. For example, in USA a doctor consultation is around 80 dollars so 65 euros and only 25 euros in France.
This law requires everyone to agree with a health insurance and when it has been done, the state provides a financial assistance to all who need help. The Obamacare have partly achieved its main objective and halved the number of uninsured people. But the system is not perfect, a lot of people think that the system is too expensive, there is also the fact that people in great health don’t want to pay for the others. Over the years, people have to pay more for their insurance but the services are still limited.
So the Obamacare is a really good thing for the poorest American but there’s always unhappy people.
I’m going to talk about the American health care system and more precisely about the Affordable Care Act better known as ObamaCare.
In the USA there is 2 health care system. The first one is Medicaid for the poorest people. Then there is the Madicare for persons over 65 years old. Both help a little the Americans but it’s not enough.
Since 2014 there is Obamacare, the goal is to give to all the American people a great health cover