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Anglais - talk show

Analyse sectorielle : Anglais - talk show. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Juin 2024  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  321 Mots (2 Pages)  •  126 Vues

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Hello everyone, I,m Zoé Thaurin and I am very happy to have been invited to this wonderful Kauai Talk podcast to promote inclusion in this beautiful archipelago called Hawaii. in fact if I tell you about these islands which are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean between the United States and Japan, you will immediately think of the palm trees, the terrific weather, the sun, the watersports,..
But do you know that Hawaii has an even more wonderful treasure; in fact it is a territory where there is zero racism and where inclusion is promoted. Which is incredible! indeed we can see a great cultural diversity in Hawaii thanks to its language, its music, its dances, its food, its traditions and a large number of other things. This all has to do with the spirit of aloha. Maybe you know that aloha means hello and goodbye. But did you know that the spirit of aloha is a very important philosophy of life and state of mind in Hawaiian culture?

it allows everyone to reach their true nature and trains them to have a friendly and caring attitude towards others. Therefore, everyone must have positive feelings towards their neighbor.To put it simply, a barbecue on the beach with loved ones represents the spirit of aloha which aims to bring people together. Moreover, I can tell you that Hawaii is a multi-ethnic society. In fact, there are approximately 33 percent Europeans or Americans, 22 percent Japanese, 15 percent Filipinos, 12 percent Hawaiians, 6 percent Chinese and 10 percent of other origins such as Polynesians, Koreans. , Pakistanis, Vietnamese, and others. There are still many other things that show that Hawaii promotes inclusion but to list them all I will need a 2 hour podcast so I think I will stop there.

hoping to have taught you something I say goodbye and hope to come back soon. Have a nice day.

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