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Anglais L3

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  1. Anglais TD – 07/02

What do you think the world will look like in 1000 years ?

Key ideas to remember :

Humans have gone through a lot of changes in thousands years, in itself but also around them.

The technology that was build by them is also progressing in fast way so it is quite a task to imagine how human and the world that they live in will be like in a thousand years.

  • Humans will be part human, part machine
  • They may have superhuman genes ( genetically modified )
  • They will look the same = result of genetic enhancement
  • Possess super-fast computer, Moore’s law
  • Buildings that can be assembled and dissembled on command
  • Humans will live out of Earth ( universe colonisation )
  • Repulse death as long as they can

It seems strange to ask the question “ what will the world look like in a thousand years “ as deep  changes took place in the last century.

Without any doubts, we can expect unplanned changes in the world during the next thousand years.

There is a high probability that we discover how to manipulate the (matière ?) and its energy in a completely different way, which could lead to unimaginable progresses.

Number of more skeptical foresee a catastrophic scenario ( a lot doubt that human will still live a thousand year). The earth resources are disappearing too fast to actually have the time to renew themselves because of our attachment to the material riches.

As the future ahead of us seems to be dark, a lot of people still think that the technology will able to resolve a lot of environmental problems.

Scientist predict that in the future, computers will not limit themselves to mimic the human brain, but that we will also develop an artificial intelligence capable to speak, interact listen and remember as well as humans and even better than them.

Let’s just hope that they will not use all this information to use it against us.

Vocab that I was missing :

Compte tenu de : given how

Subir : undergo

La matière : matter

Défaitistes : naysayers

Engloutir : to be sucked / submerged / swallowed

Se contenter : to content

Se retourner contre : to turn someone against

New vocab :

Body hackers : people that pursue the enhancement of the body through technological means by themselves which is questionable in the ethic but can also be very dangerous

wrap the mind around : essayer d’imaginer

Important => drastically

Unplanned => unforeseen

Unimaginable => unthinkable

Dark => gloomy

Resolve => address

  1. Session du 14/02


The article that was given to us is about the younger generation coming into the job’s market with the desire to make a difference through their jobs, we also see how the work sphere is adjusting to this new wave.

In this newspaper article, it is conveyed to the readers that the freshly graduated students are looking for a line of work where they will contribute to leave a good impact on the environment and change things from the tiniest to the bigger scale.

At the same time, companies are facing the generational renewal with one leaving that was not as much implicated and concerned about this issue as much as the new one entering.

In response to this situation, smaller and bigger firms try to attract these full of potential people by opening their doors to them through graduate scheme but also the possibility to bring their own vision to the company in order to help and carry them to meet the change of the society that they knew.

In my opinion, it was to be expected. Nobody is shocked to learn that newly college and university graduates are looking for a work surrounding where the environmental policy and values are strong and serious.

The new generation, to which I’m a part of, have seen and is still seeing the consequences of bad politics, own interest policies and  misinformation in this domain. In a type of way, they are watching the world collapsing around them; the people put in charge to actually care and change the way things are doing right now are neither listening, neither enough determined, neither ready to do what needs to be done.

I do think that it is actually a good initiative from us, there is a lot of things that can be held against my generation and with which I do not agree but in this aspect of the environment, the older generations actually need to help us and be ready to learn from us because we are paying for mainly their choices and we are ready to change things for the ones that are coming after us, we will not give to them a curse but a blessing.



An activist ? person who wants to bring about political or social change by campaigning

Stop using oil = petrol ( eng ) = gasoline ( US )

Blaming the government for taking away their future, needs to wake up

Young and older generations display their discontent through different ways, here is showed a spraying of paint on public buildings

They are trying to protest in a way that would shock everyone and bring awareness to the cause they are defending

Sometimes, their action are taking another level target are also works of art

Stop using oil ?

Not possible right now since we still need to develop alternative solutions

Not be able to work -> not make a living -> panic and would end for a lot of people in starvation or at least difficulty to feed themselves

Punishment ?

Wash the wall

Get a fine ( eng )

Solutions ?

To resort/ have recourse  to different types of actions/ means

  • Protest : demonstrate
  • To strike out into politics

Is there any cause you would be ready to fight for ?

  • To be on the horns of a dilemma

  1. Session du 31/01


The article that was given to us is about the younger generation coming into the job’s market with the desire to make a difference through their jobs, we also see how the work sphere is adjusting to this new wave.


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