- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Notion Bac dissertations et mémoires


2 957 Notion Bac dissertations gratuites 26 - 50 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 20 Juin 2015
  • Notion d'espagnol, bac oral.

    Notion d'espagnol, bac oral.

    Un espacio puede ser geographico como las fronteras interestatales, puede ser virtual o temporal, y por otra parte, un intercambio es el acto de dar o recibir algo en lugar de otra cosa, el aspecto de intercambios puede remitir a las relaciones humanas, familiares, económicas o políticas. La noción « Espacios y intercambios » reúne las dos palabras, y nos permite de tratar muchos temas. Entre ellos, la inmigración que es hoy un tema de actualidad que

    1 187 Mots / 5 Pages


    Citations importantes en philosophie Protagoras (IVe av JC) « L’homme est la mesure de toute chose » C’est l’homme qui détermine selon son bon vouloir ce qui est vrai et ce qui est faux. Nous sommes alors dans le relativisme le plus complet. Tout se vaut et du coup plus rien n’a de valeur. Socrate (IVe av JC) « Je ne sais qu’une seule chose c’est que je ne sais rien » Expression qui renvoie

    4 491 Mots / 18 Pages
  • Notion terminal bac espagnol

    Notion terminal bac espagnol

    Mitos y Heroes 23 .12.2016 Para empezar LE voy a dar la definicion de la nocion de mitos y heroes . Los mitos y héroes suelen formar parte de la cultura de una sociedad. Constituyen y transmiten muchas veces oralmente, su historia, sus costumbres (=leurs coutumes) ,o sus creencias (ou croyance). Los mitos son historias que pueden ser o no verdad. Un mito es el conjunto (ensemble) de creencias e imagenes idealizadas que se forman

    691 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Tableau des notions en anglais pour le BAC.

    Tableau des notions en anglais pour le BAC.

    Notions et problématique Documents étudiés Plan MYTHS AND HEROES How have spies evolved since WWII? Do fictional heroes influence reality or reality influence fiction? MYTHS AND HEROES How have spies evolved since WWII? Do fictional heroes influence reality or reality influence fiction? Introduction: You present your topic, define the notion, give your problematic and present your plan. Development: you discuss your topic with the help of the documents studied in class Conclusion: you answer your

    255 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Espagnol lv3 terminale bac Notion espacios y formas de poder

    Espagnol lv3 terminale bac Notion espacios y formas de poder

    Voy a presentar la noción “lugares y formas de poder”. El poder es la capacidad de una o varias personas para imponer estructura y jerarquiza a los individuos, a los seres vivos ordena la convivencia, impone un orden. algo a alguien, como, por ejemplo, la ley.El poder puede expresarse de diferentes formas: puede ser político, militar, económico pero también cultural. Según el tipo de poder, los lugares simbólicos en los cuales se ejerce cambian. Cualquiera

    1 756 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Notion de progrès, bac anglais LV1

    Notion de progrès, bac anglais LV1

    Scientific progress is a never ending process in which science produces an improvement in the human condition though scientific breakthrough . Across centuries science has deeply impacted the medicine fields as healthcare, drugs or antibiotics which have saved lifes and extended life expectancy. Despite the advantages of scientific progress where does the moral line needs to be drown ? In order to answer this question we will study the need of scientific progress because it

    574 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notions (définitions) - Bac de français

    Notions (définitions) - Bac de français

    NOTIONS • Registre : ensemble de procédés d’écriture qui rend compte de la posture d’un émetteur par rapport à ce qu’il veut transmettre à son récepteur. Il existe différents registres : * comique * tragique * satirique * -épique * -didactique * -lyrique * pathétique * épidictique La notion de registre transcende la notion de genre ? • Genre littéraire : roman, poésie, théâtre, essai, (conte + récit) • Principal courent poétique à la fin

    546 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notions du bac, Places and forms of power

    Notions du bac, Places and forms of power

    Places and forms of power I’m going to talk about places and forms of power. First, I would like to give a definition of this notion. “Places” could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power, for example Buckingham Palace. A place can also be a country or a state. “Power” is the ability to control others, events, or resources, the ability to make things happen despite obstacles. This of course

    2 455 Mots / 10 Pages
  • 4 notions du bac anglais

    4 notions du bac anglais

    I’m going to present you the notion of myth and heroes. There are two types of heroes, the real heroe like Chesley Sullenberger or fictive heroe like the superheroes for exemple. A myth is a popular story about gods or heroes. But what’s really a hero for us ? We studied a video in class that talked about the word hero and his bad utilisation for many people who don’t deserve it like Michael phells

    1 210 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Places and forms of Power notion terminale S oral de bac

    Places and forms of Power notion terminale S oral de bac

    Introduction : The notion I am going to deal with is about « Places and forms of power ». First, I’d like to introduce and give a definition of the notion. We can consider that the power is the ability or the official capacity to exercise control, authority or influences over others. It can be exerted in different spheres : economy, politics and different forms : democracy, dictatorship, and in different places, country all around

    815 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Oral Anglais Bac LV1, Notion : Lieu et forme du pouvoir, Idée de progrès, Espace et Echanges

    Oral Anglais Bac LV1, Notion : Lieu et forme du pouvoir, Idée de progrès, Espace et Echanges

    Lieu et Forme du pouvoir. i am going to talk about the place and forms of power and their impact. In the first place i would like give a definition of the notion "places", it could be a important buildings or institutions that represents a important form of power, for example Buckingham palace, a symbol of the British monarchy or the white house a symbol of the American presidency. The word "power" is the capacity

    1 558 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Les notions au bac : introduction

    Les notions au bac : introduction

    Introduction : Notions oral de bac anglais 1- Spaces & Exchanges The notion I'm going to speak about is Spaces & Exchanges. First of all I'm going to define this notion. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving. You can exhange and give ideas, or good and services or you could also exchange people , for example : immigration. So in relation to the notion spaces and exchanges my presentation will deal with

    537 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lv2 Anglais bac ORAL notion : Idea of progress

    Lv2 Anglais bac ORAL notion : Idea of progress

    INTRO I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debated between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Now, I propose we look at a question : « Should we fear

    306 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion anglais Bac

    Notion anglais Bac

    Notion Idée de Progrès Introduction l will talk about « Idea of progree ». To illustrate this notion, I take the exemple of climate change. We are going to ask how do english-speaking countries deal with climate change issue In A first part, we will see that climate change causes significant consequences with the text Frankenstorm, Then we will see that people are trying to educate people with the speech of Leonardo DiCaprio at the

    472 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Notion d'Anglais Bac: Idea of Progress, The place of religion in the US today

    Notion d'Anglais Bac: Idea of Progress, The place of religion in the US today

    Religion in the United States is characterized by a diversity of religious beliefs and practices. Various religious faiths have flourished within the United States. A majority of Americans report that religion plays a very important role in their lives, a proportion unique among developed countries. What is the importance of Religion in the United States more particularly Christian religion? We are going to see the importance of religion in American history and then what

    996 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Notion anglais BAC Idea of Progress

    Notion anglais BAC Idea of Progress

    Today I’m going to talk about the idea of progress. This year, in class we studied many documents, like the following films : The Imitation Game and Selma, but we also talked about women's fight to got the right to vote. I am going to talk about social progress which is, according to me, the only aspect of progress with positive sides. First, I’m going to talk about the right to vote for women. Then

    1 113 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Bac notion idea of progress

    Bac notion idea of progress

    Hello, I’m going to present you the notion of “idea of progress”. So, the notion of progress can be defined as an improvement, an evolution or a change in order to make the world a better place. Along history, great progress encountered most of the time significant opposition because some people weren’t comfortable with the great changes they involved. Thus, it can bring us to ask ourselves: To what extent the progress and the development

    687 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion sur le pouvoir, anglais bac

    Notion sur le pouvoir, anglais bac

    Baccalauréat : Oral d’Anglais Troisième notion : Idea of Progress Travail rédigé : Intro : Good morning, today I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. To introduce the subject I must explain the meaning of this word. Progress allows the world to evolve, to change for the better, to develop through scientific, technological and technical discoveries and innovations which is essential. But Progress requires taking risks and innovations are often called into question.

    560 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Notion espace et échange bac anglais

    Notion espace et échange bac anglais

    Support pour oral bac anglais term ES : thème espace et échange : l’immigration aux usa I will introduce you to the notion of "space and exchange". First, I will give a definition. The world around us is characterized by the notion "Spaces and exchanges". In fact, people have always conquered new lands and there are cultural, economic and human interactions As we will see today to the following question: does the American dream really

    494 Mots / 2 Pages
  • 4 notions en anglais au bac

    4 notions en anglais au bac

    Anglais Notion 1 : Mythe et Héros Early explorers I’m going to talk about the theme « Early Explorers ». This theme can be related to the notion of « Myths and heroes » and « Spaces and exchanges ». But we will focus on the notion of « myths and heroes » because we’re going to talk about three famous early explorers, that is to say : James Cook, christopher Colombus and John Smith

    3 493 Mots / 14 Pages
  • Texte notion 3 bac anglais

    Texte notion 3 bac anglais

    So I’m going to talk about the concept of Places and Forms of Power in South Africa. First, I want to give a definition, Power is the ability to control and influence other elements or other people. To have power is to have influence on people or on the world. The notion places and forms of power invites us to question what kinds of power are clashing against each other, what are the main sources

    1 142 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Fiche bac : the notion of progress

    Fiche bac : the notion of progress

    Fiche anglais 3 Introduction : I am going to present the notion of progress. First of all, I think it is very important to define the words of the notion. Progress is a question of moving on and evolving with positive or negative consequences. The last 2 centuries have seen societies progress at an ever-increasing rate on many fronts such as industrial, scientific, technological ones, for example we have witnessed a social revolution where the

    819 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Notions de grammaires bac français

    Notions de grammaires bac français

    1.La Proposition Circonstancielle de Comparaison (PCC) Se forme avec une proposition principale pour effectuer la comparaison, elle est introduite par : comme, de même que, ainsi que, autant…que, plus…que, moins…que, autre…que, d’autant plus…que, d’autant moins…que… Exemple : Il exécute ce portrait Exemple : Il exécute ce portrait (comme le ferait un grand sinistre) Proposition principale PSC de comparaison 2.La Proposition Subordonnée Interrogative Indirecte (PSII) Est une proposition subordonnée qui dépend d’un verbe introducteur à sens

    1 070 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Droit général des sociétés: la notion d'entreprise

    Droit général des sociétés: la notion d'entreprise

    Droit général des sociétés 


 Suite du DPA « Notion d'entreprise » : fondamentale en droit commercial au départ de toute société, il y a une entreprise notion précise, plus économique que juridique vise toutes les organisations qui tendent à la collusion. Entreprise : organisation autonome qui coordonne un ensemble de facteurs en vue de produire pour le marché certains biens ou services objet de droit et non pas un sujet de droit en soi car n'a pas la

    10 001 Mots / 41 Pages
  • Corrigé Bac Blanc: comptabilité et finance d'entreprise

    Corrigé Bac Blanc: comptabilité et finance d'entreprise

    BACCALAURÉAT TECHNOLOGIQUE – BAC BLANC N° 1 2011 SÉRIE : SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LA GESTION ÉPREUVE DE SPÉCIALITÉ : COMPTABILITÉ ET FINANCE D’ENTREPRISE CORRIGE DOSSIER 1 : opérations d’exploitation (63 points) PREMIÈRE PARTIE – Rémunération du personnel 1. Procéder à l'enregistrement des écritures du 28/09/2010 relatives à la paie du mois de septembre 2010. (8 points : 2+3+3) 28/09/2010 641 Rémunérations du personnel 224 000,00 421 Personnel, rémunérations dues 224 000,00 Salaires bruts selon

    2 525 Mots / 11 Pages

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