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Cours : Teleworking. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Octobre 2021  •  Cours  •  20 129 Mots (81 Pages)  •  267 Vues

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Anglais – Teleworking

DIAPO 1 : Presentation teleworking

Teleworking is above all an opportunity to experiment with a form of work organization integrating issues of quality of life at work, professional equality and performance.

Teleworking has spread rapidly in recent years. Particularly in current health situation. It has been commonly adopted in some countries and not so much in others.

  • Teleworking is mainly carried out in large companies such as google.

Teleworking has been used by companies to ensure their employees’ safety and to provide continuity to economic activity, so. Telework has been crucial to sustain production during the crisis.

  • Small businesses have had to adapt to current technology in order to be able to meet their needs to continue operating

So, telework it offers advantages and disadvantages for both the employee and the company. Now we'll see that. 

Advantages :

  • Autonomy: freedom to manage your working time as you like (allowing you to spend more time for leisure time), the possibility of combining work and family life. On can work where on wants, on can adapter our workplace.
  • Saving on travel costs: saving money because you don't need to travel to work, but also a time saving that can be used for other car tasks for some people the commute time between the place of life and work is long.
  • Product that can increase: The advantage of being able to be at home and to organize between work and family life can improve the worker's mood and thus improve activity if remote work is well structured with goals to achieve.
  • The employee's opinion on the company can improves: just like the previous point, if the worker feels good and work correct he will have a positive opinion on the company since he can, in all alike work life and family life act in case of problems such as: sick child tome. He could take this into account when assessing his working conditions.
  • Reducing infrastructure costs in the long term: money in the company's workplace as well as other expenses for daily work - electricity, heating, computer equipment, etc
  • Integration of people with disabilities: People who have difficulty getting to the workplace may see telework as an opportunity they may not have had just a few years ago. They can organize their working time according to their disability without having pressure.

Disavantages :

  • Sometimes it is not easy to disconnect, it might be a problem: Bringing work and personal life together can make it difficult to separate the one from the other. Therefore, it is better to dedicate a specific place inside the house for work – a “mini-office”
  • Work performance may drop, sometimes : Depending on the features of your job, the control of the quantity and quality of the work can be difficult to carry out, so this way productivity, might rise, or might also decrease.

  • The worker could feel less identified with the company: By working from home, the employee may feel left out from the team, which leads to less performance and more difficulties in order to meet the business goals

  • Some extra expenses are generated for the worker: For example, you may spend more money on heating or electricity. Or the employer may request to buy software, computer, technologies…etc

Anglais – Teleworking

DIAPO 1 : Presentation teleworking

Teleworking is above all an opportunity to experiment with a form of work organization integrating issues of quality of life at work, professional equality and performance.

Teleworking has spread rapidly in recent years. Particularly in current health situation. It has been commonly adopted in some countries and not so much in others.

  • Teleworking is mainly carried out in large companies such as google.

Teleworking has been used by companies to ensure their employees’ safety and to provide continuity to economic activity, so. Telework has been crucial to sustain production during the crisis.

  • Small businesses have had to adapt to current technology in order to be able to meet their needs to continue operating

So, telework it offers advantages and disadvantages for both the employee and the company. Now we'll see that. 

Advantages :

  • Autonomy: freedom to manage your working time as you like (allowing you to spend more time for leisure time), the possibility of combining work and family life. On can work where on wants, on can adapter our workplace.
  • Saving on travel costs: saving money because you don't need to travel to work, but also a time saving that can be used for other car tasks for some people the commute time between the place of life and work is long.
  • Product that can increase: The advantage of being able to be at home and to organize between work and family life can improve the worker's mood and thus improve activity if remote work is well structured with goals to achieve.
  • The employee's opinion on the company can improves: just like the previous point, if the worker feels good and work correct he will have a positive opinion on the company since he can, in all alike work life and family life act in case of problems such as: sick child tome. He could take this into account when assessing his working conditions.
  • Reducing infrastructure costs in the long term: money in the company's workplace as well as other expenses for daily work - electricity, heating, computer equipment, etc
  • Integration of people with disabilities: People who have difficulty getting to the workplace may see telework as an opportunity they may not have had just a few years ago. They can organize their working time according to their disability without having pressure.

Disavantages :

  • Sometimes it is not easy to disconnect, it might be a problem: Bringing work and personal life together can make it difficult to separate the one from the other. Therefore, it is better to dedicate a specific place inside the house for work – a “mini-office”
  • Work performance may drop, sometimes : Depending on the features of your job, the control of the quantity and quality of the work can be difficult to carry out, so this way productivity, might rise, or might also decrease.

  • The worker could feel less identified with the company: By working from home, the employee may feel left out from the team, which leads to less performance and more difficulties in order to meet the business goals

  • Some extra expenses are generated for the worker: For example, you may spend more money on heating or electricity. Or the employer may request to buy software, computer, technologies…etc

Anglais – Teleworking

DIAPO 1 : Presentation teleworking

Teleworking is above all an opportunity to experiment with a form of work organization integrating issues of quality of life at work, professional equality and performance.


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