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Notion Anglais, Mythes Et Héros

Mémoires Gratuits : Notion Anglais, Mythes Et Héros. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Avril 2015  •  373 Mots (2 Pages)  •  5 072 Vues

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Mythes et héros :Blacklisted

Before begin my expression, we need a little definition of a myth and a heros.

 A myth is not someone or somthing who had necessarly existed, it can be just an history we learned and wich keep continue to exist from generation to generation.

 A heros is somone who did something important in his life, not for himself but for a population for exemple, who stay in the memories of everyone.

I choose to talk about « the myth of witches in America ». This myth is a part of american culture for centuries. How this myth evolved over centuries ?

1_First we will see Witches and witch hunting in 17th century America

2_After that we will see Witches and witch hunting in 20th century America

1 Witches and witch hunting in 17th century America

- In 17th century, the legion of witches was brought by american colonists from europe, like we saw in the text « witches of salem ». Indeed, no one could determine that happening in the city and they suspected the evil.

- As we can see in « puritism in 17th century » the witch hunting began. Indeed, Witches were hunted down by Puritans in the 17th century. In more, we see that people who were suspected to be a witch were arrested, tortured and killed.

- We can explain this hunting because the people in America believed in wtch and evil that scared them

2 Witches and witch hunting in 20th century America

- In the 20th century, the witch hunting in America is completly deferent than the 17th century. Indeed, in the 20th century, « a witch » is someone who is suspected to be against the governement or who criticize it. We can see that in « The Red scare » or in the « Mc Cartyism ». It is true that during the cold war, Americans were scared about comunism. Comunism is compare to witches.

- We have the perfect exemple of the witch hunting in « Not You ». They had to denouce other persons to keep their normal life

Conclusion :

Finnally, we can say that Americans need some people to targeted, because they are scared by opposants of gvernements or paranormal activity. The exemple of Sacco and Vanzetti is perfect to sum-up the existance of scapegoating


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