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Méthode Fiche De Lecture

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Par   •  30 Mars 2015  •  Fiche de lecture  •  461 Mots (2 Pages)  •  644 Vues

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Modern Technology

-Well hello everybody and welcom back to Futuristic show this is Claire, I gone talk today is technology I can be your friend or I can be your enemy.

To talk about this subject we receive Mr Chaabane …

Welcome, (serrage de mains) so you are an engineer based in mordern technology right ?

-Yes i have been working for Samsung since 2009 but firstable im a big fan of new technologies and innovations.

At this moment im working on a new brand of smartphone for Samsung.

A phone which is able to be extremely flexible like a rubber band.

-Just as someone said "The life is more simple when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits", is it true that the modern technology has lot of good with a shadow of bad, what do you think ?

-I think that modern technology may somtimes be an inconvenient but it can be very useful. For exemple smartphones, make people feel closer. You are here in the U.K and if you take your smartphone you can call and talk even see someone who is in Autralia...

-I agre why you, this is quite a positive aspect, but, we can olso say that this kind of communication can be nocious for the real communication between people. It is know that people can't take their eyes of their selphones, that their is no more communication between familys'members. Besides scientits have noticed that waves are harmful for health.

-Yes it's true that technology can be dangerous for health but you can't deny that is also hepful for execute houseworks, and even saving lives, look chemoterapy it's waves, but that save lives. The artificial heart, it's technology, nevertheless that saves human.

-And you are not afraid that the man in himself becomes artificial, that the world is filled, in a few years, only with robots ?

-I think that necessary to keep a distance for the overhangs of the technology, on no accout that should replace the man, but help him. These days a lots of robots have been created for these reason. Such as the Wakamaru Robot which is able to execute houseworks, check the house when nobody is in and prevent the house from burglars.

-Yes but the fact of having a robot which makes the houseworks, more cleaning lady's need thus?

-Yes that permit to save up (faire des économies)

-Yes but that makes increase the jobless rate


-Thank you for having participated in our broadcaste, and do not forget, the technology does not replace the human affection ! Bye


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