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Myths and heroes

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Par   •  3 Juillet 2019  •  Commentaire de texte  •  592 Mots (3 Pages)  •  410 Vues

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Bonjour, je suis une élève de terminal littéraire et j'aimerais savoir si le début de ma notion sur myths and heroes est juste au niveau de la syntaxe et de la grammaire, je ne l'ai pas encore fini mais c'est un premier jet. Merci de votre aide.

I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. First at all I’d like to give a definition of myths and heroes. So, a myth can defined as a story that may or may not be true. Some myths may have started as true stories but people re-told them some parts may have been changed by mistake.

Mythologies, includes the legend of our history our religion, stories of how the world was created and our heroes. These stories have great symbolic power and this can be a major reason why they survive as long as they do.

Now, the heroes are a real or fictive people, and is a person who is admired for his courage, his exploits or his noble qualities. It can be a main character in a book or film. A hero can be also a person who realize a heroic act or simply our own personal hero.

So to what extent do myths represent society’s values and particularly an American cowboy values?

First, the ordinary person with great values

Second, the action of cowboys for the world

I- The ordinary person with great values

A- The cowboy culture

Generally the cowboy culture is transmitted from one generation to the next (in every generation). For example, in the video “Texas longhorn” it’s an extract from report about rancher in Kansas, with an interview from the ranch owners and their intern. The ranch is a family life, everyone have a chore and for them it’s a life style. They don’t want became a millionaire, they want just be closed to the nature. The ranch owners pass his culture with his intern, it’s for them a way for don’t lost the cowboys culture.

The life of cowboys is plain but is also very hard, because they are courageous and passionate. Cord and Jet Mc Coy brothers are representative the cowboys community and it’s values in the reality TV show. They give a very positive image of cowboys culture with their fair-play, hard-work and honest. In the show they did not want only a price, they respected who they were.

So cowboys are a simply people but a lot of person would not worked in a ranch, because there are a negative and positive aspects of living on a ranch.

B- A way of living

When you decide to work in a ranch, you learn to live together and to love nature. Living in a ranch is very hard, because you don’t have any time enough to take care of yourself, so you must not be precious girl or man. You have to be dedicated to your work because you wake up early, so the days are long and you are tired. And the most difficult, it’s don’t have week-ends, day off and holidays.

However, if you like treat animals, ride a horse and be close to the nature your life is in a ranch. It’s a very good experience since you get used to working regularly you can understand what working means. So you became hard-working himself.

But be a cowboy it is not just be a courageous person, it’s also realizing a good action for other and the world.

II- And


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