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Matthieu Asdrubal

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Matthieu Asdrubal. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Mai 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  339 Mots (2 Pages)  •  497 Vues

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Par la force, tués bcp de gens, instauré la terreur

1908 : 1 of the 1st member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood  He can be consider as an heroe because with this entering, he can be a model of bravery. He shows to other people that he’s pride of being Irish, and he’s unafraid of the british forces.

In more he took a lot of risk and he made his life in danger in hacking an underground intelligence network.

After being arrested for the Easter Uprising in 1916 (chercher infos) and send to Frongoch in an internment camp in Wales, Michael Collins was released in December 1916 and immediately went back to Ireland. Then his goal was to revitalize the campaign to get independence for Ireland. At first sight it seems that Collins is an heroe because he fought against the British pressure. Collins was elected to the executive committee of Sinn Fein (nationalist revolutionary Irish violent movement stand up against british occupation) and he led a violent campaign against anything that represented British authority in Ireland (the Royal Irish Constabulary and the Army.) In 1919 the Irish nationalism went through a difficult time. The failure of Easter 1916 and the victorious return of World War I British soldiers stopped for a few time the progress of the Ireland independence. However 73 of the 105 seats were allocated to Ireland. Sinn Féin rejects home rule and demands complete Irish independence. Its elected members refuse to take their seats in the British Parliament. Instead they form an independent Irish government (the Dáil Éireann, the Irish Assembly). The whole group rejected the authority and they play important roles for the Independence of their country. However their ways to attend the independence can be criticize. The Irish Republican Army, led by M.Collins, produces some violence in the country, like murder. Then Michael Collins established the terror in Ireland to made it independent.

Personally I found that Michael Collins is not an heroe, because contrary to Gandhi, he made his country free by violent ways.


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