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Madina Journey

Thèse : Madina Journey. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Décembre 2018  •  Thèse  •  433 Mots (2 Pages)  •  321 Vues

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Madina was an ambitious girl who want to make the world tour in 2 years and 8 mouth if she makes three days in on country, she will make it for being famous. The 1st January 2018, Madina was plan her journey she wants to start in Africa for go to Europe after America, Asia, Antarctica and finish her journey in Oceania. She starts her journey the 3rd January 2018 she was visiting the South Africa first according to the documents South Africa is the only emerging country in Africa. Arrive in South Africa in the first day she was visited the Kruger National Park who is the largest game reserve in South Africa and was larger than Israel; the Kruger National Park was measured 2millions hectares she was makes her three days in South Africa visiting the Kruger National Park, The Table Mountain and The Cape of Good Hope. Now she went in Tunisia; arrived in Tunisia she went to the Port El Kantaoui who was a tourist complex it was built in 1979 specifically as a tourist center, around a large artificial she was also visited the Great Mosque of Kairouan and the Bardo National Museum for any country that Madina does she write a summary about it in a book she was finish with the south Africa now she will go in the west side she will Start with Bamako who was the Capital of Mali. She starts at the National Museum of Mali and she learn many things there about the history of Soundiata Keita. When she finishes with Africa she will start in London for Europe arrive in London she calls her family to take news and she shows her travel picture to her family she shows the picture she takes of Tower of London, the Big Ben and the Buckingham Palace; Madina was very happy to have been able to speak with her family now she has to continue her travel to America continent now. Madina has a problem she didn’t has a Visa to go to Canada she has to contact her Uncle who work in the embassy of United State now her trip will be recalibrated she take this for stay in Paris she was in a hotel near the Eiffel Tower she stay there for 2 months and now she has to redo her schedule. After the 2 months she have continuous now her journey She will go to Quebec and will make first and second day there and turds she goes make it in Montreal when she less Canada she went in England


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