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Lieux Et Forme

Commentaires Composés : Lieux Et Forme. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Mars 2014  •  332 Mots (2 Pages)  •  766 Vues

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We studedhe notion of places and forms of power. This notion talks about division between people who have power, and people who haven't power or a little of it. Power can be defined by a force, exerted by Justice, or political authorities.

Power is exerted within a community and the community must respect the laws, which are put in place by people at the head of power.

So we can ask, how have African achieved recognition through the different forms of power they faced ?

First, I will talk about the contradiction between the american ideal and the reality before 1965, then I will explain you the political recognition, the rôle of Art and how it evolved to today.


> Before 1965, life was totally different as today, because black people and white people were completely separated.

> There was a lot of inegalities between black and white people because black people was threated as inferior to white people.

> Segregation was everywhere in USA. We can

We studedhe notion of places and forms of power. This notion talks about division between people who have power, and people who haven't power or a little of it. Power can be defined by a force, exerted by Justice, or political authorities.

Power is exerted within a community and the community must respect the laws, which are put in place by people at the head of power.

So we can ask, how have African achieved recognition through the different forms of power they faced ?

First, I will talk about the contradiction between the american ideal and the reality before 1965, then I will explain you the political recognition, the rôle of Art and how it evolved to today.


> Before 1965, life was totally different as today, because black people and white people were completely separated.

> There was a lot of inegalities between black and white people because black people was threated as inferior to white people.

> Segregation was everywhere in USA. We can


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