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Les femmes devraient-elles travailler à l'extérieur de la maison ?

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Les femmes devraient-elles travailler à l'extérieur de la maison ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Février 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  262 Mots (2 Pages)  •  797 Vues

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Should women work outside the home?


TO my mind

Women are inferior. Women do not have the required skills, strength and intelligence to endure the work life.


As for me

Women should work Women is not a commodity to be bought by her husband and made a chef and babysitter

Lamya :

Those that do are in most cases far less productive than men. So if men are better at working due to their superiority in the afore mentioned fields,


You must be joking.

to prove that they are no less than men to realize that they have the capacity to out smart men and also with the growing rates it is mandatory for both men and women to work to improve their standard of living and meet the expenses


Most certainly not .

Its not possible for woman to work long-hours and then take care for her home .She has to take care of her husbend, in laws, and children and also she had to do joab which is impossible


Are you 'no'people stupid?! Women are very much equal to men and maybe even better. Also you have to remember that: NOT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS


In my opinion ,Women are designed to be caretakers of the home, have dinner ready, house cleaned, raise children, work out at the gym, volunteer, get involved with church activities


SO what?

We should not having discrimination between the man and a woman. If a woman wants to do some work so, you should motivate her instead of bound her doing that work !


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