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Les conditions de vie de la femme africaine dans rebelle de fatou keita

Dissertation : Les conditions de vie de la femme africaine dans rebelle de fatou keita. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mars 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 094 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 475 Vues

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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are of paramount importance in society today, and should therefore be seen as a strategic sector contributing to a large extent to economic and social development.
Technologies that provide both high-performance and diversified services have contributed significantly to the globalization of the economy and the internationalization of trade.
It is in order to highlight the impact of this sector and its importance in economic and social development that our work has been carried out. The present reflection is thus articulated as follows:
The first part presents a general overview of ICT and is particularly noteworthy.
A second part that first highlights the impact of ICT on economic growth through econometric modeling.


After the first steps towards an information society such as writing and printing, major steps were the electric telegraph, then the telephone and radio telephony. Computer technology has grown thanks to printed circuitry, with decentralised IT builders rapidly innovating. Television, Minitel and the Internet then mobile telecommunications have associated the image with text and speech, "wireless", the Internet and television becoming accessible on the mobile phone which also acts as a camera.

The approximation of computing, audiovisual and telecommunications in the last decade of the 20th century has benefited from the miniaturisation of components, allowing the production of “multifunction” devices at accessible prices, starting in the 2000s. The rapid increase in broadband Internet access (for example with ADSL or through cable television networks) and very high speed Internet access (with fibre optic subscriber line networks) has favoured the distribution of audiovisual content at affordable prices, as this has reduced ICT prices in two years.

  1. Definition

        The term “information and communication technologies” transcribes an English locution used in various international bodies that corresponds roughly to the field of telematics. It has different definitions depending on the author’s point of view or the period, because of the progressive interference of the frontiers of the fields concerned and the rapid evolution of the techniques with digital convergence.

The definition of ICT remains particularly unclear - the term technology that means “discourse on technology” is used instead of “technique”, which would be both simpler and more accurate. Information and Communication Technologies are tools to support information processing and communication, information processing and information communication remain the objective, and technology, the means.

  • Evolution of the terminology

The advent of the Internet and mainly of the Web as a mass media and the success of blogs, social networks, wikis or Peer to Peer technologies give ICT a societal dimension. Gérard Ayache in La Grande confusion, speaks of «hyper information» to underline the anthropological impact of new technologies.

  • ICT or ICT

        The term NTIC (new information and communication technologies) was often used in French-language literature in the 1990s and early 2000s to characterize certain so-called “new” technologies. But the definitions provided are generally vague or equivalent to those of ICT. The qualification of “new” is ambiguous, as the scope of so-called new technologies is not specified and varies from source to source.Because of the rapid evolution of technology and the marketplace, innovations declared “new” are obsolete a decade later.

  1. ICT issues and economic importance

        ICT plays a major role in business competitiveness and in the efficiency of public administrations and services (health, education, safety). ICT has also become a crucial issue for the production and dissemination of cultural goods.

  1. Information and communication techniques

Information and Communication Technologies consist of a set of technical resources required to implement information and communication services to produce, manipulate, convert, store, manage, transmit and retrieve information and to communicate.
These techniques can be grouped into the following categories:


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