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Les caractéristiques nécessaire pour réussir à bien communiquer à l'oral et à l'écrit (document en anglais).

Dissertation : Les caractéristiques nécessaire pour réussir à bien communiquer à l'oral et à l'écrit (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mai 2013  •  249 Mots (1 Pages)  •  966 Vues

1. Completeness: In written and oral communication it is very important to express all of the facts needed by the audience. The following features are required to complete a communication.

a. To develops and enhances the reputation of an organization all communication must be complete.

b. Money is saved when all facts are provided at the get go.

c. Additional information in a complete communication is important, because it leaves no questions for the audience.

d. Helps the audience make better choices

e. It also persuaded the audience.

2. Conciseness: It is important to express a message in the least amount of words, without losing the message so as not to lose the interest of the audience.

a. It is time and cost saving

b. Highlights the main message

c. Provides the essential message

d. More appealing to the audience

e. Does not repeat

3. Consideration: Make sure to understand the audiences view point, backgrounds, and education levels. Maintaining the respect of the audience is very important.

a. Accentuate the “you” approach

b. Show interest in the audience, to gain positive response from them.

c. Focus on the positive aspects and not negative once.

4. Clarity: Stay focused on one goal at a time; do not try to do too much at once.

a. Easier to understand

b. Enriches the meaning of the message

c. Uses appropriate words

5. Concreteness: Has a clear meaning. Strengthens the confidence of the speaker.

a. Shows specific facts and figures

b. Uses clear wording

c. Cannot be misinterpreted.

6. Courtesy: Shows that the sender of the message respects the receiver.

a. Considers both viewpoints

b. Has a positive message

c. Uses terms of respect

d. Is not biased

7. Correctness: No grammatical errors.

a. The message is exact

b. Boosts the confidence levels

c. Greater impact on audience

d. Facts and Figures are precise

e. Uses appropriate language.


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