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Le Milan Et Le Rossignol

Mémoires Gratuits : Le Milan Et Le Rossignol. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Février 2014  •  238 Mots (1 Pages)  •  858 Vues

Dear cousin,

My life has changed…

One day, I found Maria packing my belongings. I thought I was sent away, but I did not understand why: I had behaved according to the house rules. “We all are” Mother told me. Because of father’s job.

I wonder whether I did something bad or not. Perhaps If I had been nicer, we would not have leaved.

I think about father: what is his job ? To be honest with myself, I have never known the answer. I just can say that some men with splendid uniforms work for him, and for the Fury. It’s very strange, isn’t it? Nevertheless, I know father is in no way a bad man. Although he hides something, father is father. As he is my dad, I have to respect him.

I look forward to coming back home. I am eager to see my best friends for life. But I am stuck in this such horrible house !

Yet, my mother advised me to make the best of bad situation.

Well… I can do this. Indeed, as longer as I will stay in Out-With (the mysterious name of the house), Gretel’s friends will not mock me because I am small. By the time I go to Berlin, I will have grown enough for the monsters not to mock me anymore.

Despite this thing, it is still difficult. Moreover, I hate the landscape, and the children outside don’t seem to be nice.

Bye !



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