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Imagerie cérébrale (document en anglais)

Discours : Imagerie cérébrale (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Janvier 2015  •  Discours  •  249 Mots (1 Pages)  •  571 Vues

These are the answers of a dictator who’s been interviewed by the BBC, about brain scans.

“A dangerous man was hiding from the authorities. Actually, we didn’t know how to catch him. So, we asked some scientists if there was a possibility of reading in his mind. So, in order to help us – they didn’t have the choice – scientists thought about a way to read dreams. They had been looking for an idea for more than two weeks. But finally, they did find how to enter people’s mind. Actually, they had created the most intelligent and useful machine. It was the brain scan. Indeed, they had invented a machine that could reveal the images that people so as they entered in an early stage of sleep. Moreover, they knew brain activity could be used to decipher the emotions experienced during sleep. So that was perfect, I could know what was going on in the man’s mind who had escaped. Scientists reported that they could do this with 60% accuracy, so I was sure I could arrest him. And I had the telescreen so I could tell him not to dream because indeed, it was proved that when someone asks us not to dream, our thoughts reappear in our dreams. So I actually think brain scan in the best invension in the whole world. Three days ago, fortunately, I arrested him. He had prepared bombs, he wanted to kill more than twenty families. THANK YOU BRAIN SACAN.


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