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Fiche : E-commerce. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Décembre 2020  •  Fiche  •  324 Mots (2 Pages)  •  282 Vues

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E-commerce is one of the main aspects that caught my interest when I first came to China. In fact, E-commerce has an important place in almost every Chinese daily life. And this explains the existence of many applications that simplify the different money exchanges.

Since my first week in China, I could realize that almost nobody uses the cash money anymore, and this made it a little bit complicated to pay in some places especially if they only accept money from money applications. At first, I had little difficulties to adapt to this phenomenon, since I was used to use only cash money in my country, but after few weeks I found myself using all the money exchange applications so easily. This made me wonder how Chinese people succeeded on making some daily life tasks so easy.

Truly speaking, one of the main apps that I really liked in China is Taobao (淘宝网), the China's leading online sales website. In my country, I rarely do the online shopping because I had some stereotypes such as the security of payment; the fear to receive the wrong item, having to wait for too long before the product is delivered, facing payment problems, etc. However, I could notice that the use of online shopping apps in China is very convenient yet so secure.

Commonly defined as the exchange of goods, services and information via electronic networks, e-commerce plays a substantial role in the Chinese trade making it more fluid and then a better income generator. While in morocco this kind of trade is little used, in China, it is the most popular, efficient shopping way in use.

According to a statistical survey made in 2016, China is the largest e-commerce market in the world with revenue of more than 500 billion dollars, a record-breaking income that surpasses the American market that is around 342 million dollars. It is even expected that, by 2020, the market will reach 1.1 trillion dollars.


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